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May 24, 2020
Bible Reading: 1 JOHN 1:5-10 This time I’ve really done it, Juliana thought. Just moments before, she had been shopping for groceries with her stepmother. She had helped put cheese and bananas in the cart. Then, at the checkout line, she spotted the racks of bubble gum and candy bars for sale. Glancing around to… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: 1 JOHN 1:9
May 23, 2020
Bible Reading: PSALM 86:1-7 Graham sat down next to his dad on the couch and sighed. “Is something bothering you?” Dad asked. “I had a bad day at school today,” Graham replied quietly. “I’m sorry,” said Dad. “Want to tell me about it?” “Well, on the way to school, a boy on the bus threw… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: PSALM 86:7
May 22, 2020
Bible Reading: JOHN 15:1-9 “How’s the wood chopping going?” Kara’s mom asked as she set the lunch plates on the table. “It’s going well,” Dad replied. “I found several dead trees that were ready to come down.” After the family thanked God for their meal and began to pass the food, Dad chuckled and said,… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: JOHN 15:5
May 21, 2020
Bible Reading: GALATIANS 5:13-14; EPHESIANS 2:8-10 “How about showing Pastor Lopez to his room, Caden?” suggested Mom when the visiting pastor arrived for the weekend. “Sure. You’re going to use my room,” Caden told the pastor, then led the way. “I left some space in the closet for you, and I cleared out the top… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: MARK 10:45
May 20, 2020
Bible Reading: ROMANS 12:4-8 The noise of the polisher buzzed in Thabo’s ears as he approached his dad in the driveway. Dad had been working on this old car for months. “Hey, buddy!” Dad turned off the polisher. “Come see how good this paint is looking with a bit of spit and polish.” “That’s gross,… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: ROMANS 12:4-5
May 19, 2020
Bible Reading: ROMANS 12:9-18; 1 PETER 4:8-11 Devastation from the storm that had ripped through days before was everywhere Kya looked. She wiped a tear from her dirt-stained cheek as she stepped over the debris of yet another house that had been destroyed in the storm. The people on the tiny, remote island where Kya… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: MATTHEW 28:19
May 18, 2020
Bible Reading: 1 TIMOTHY 4:12-14 It was a hot Sunday afternoon and Brandon, Bryan, and Mom were squatting beside a little anthill in their backyard. Their eyes followed the busy movements of each little ant as it carried crumbs up and down the anthill. Suddenly Bryan, who had just turned five, looked up at Mom… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: 1 TIMOTHY 4:12
May 17, 2020
Bible Reading: PSALM 100:1-5 Rose listened intently as Mr. and Mrs. Hart, missionaries who worked in India, talked about the people in the village where they lived. “The Indian children love to sing,” said Mr. Hart. “When they hear Mrs. Hart playing her accordion, many come to Bible club.” “The children also love the colorful… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: PSALM 100:2
May 16, 2020
Bible Reading: JAMES 1:17; MALACHI 3:6 “Mom, I can’t find anything in this kitchen!” complained Emilee loudly. “How can I make brownies if I don’t know where anything is?” “Yeah,” said Adrian. “Why did you change everything around? I was going to make a cup of hot chocolate yesterday and couldn’t find the stuff.” “I… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: HEBREWS 13:8
May 15, 2020
Bible Reading: EXODUS 4:10-12 Simone sighed when she heard her English assignment. “You’re all going to give a short speech next week,” said Miss Hollis. “Pick any topic that interests you and be prepared to talk about it for two minutes.” After class Simone approached her teacher. “Please don’t make me give a speech, Miss… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: EXODUS 4:12