June 14, 2020

Valued Treasure

Bible Reading: 2 TIMOTHY 3:15-17 As Elise walked past her parents’ room, she noticed her mother pulling a box from the closet shelf. “What’s in that box, Mom?” asked Elise. “It’s full of old keepsakes,” said Mom. “Letters from your dad, photos, report cards, things like that.” “Can I see it?” asked Elise. Mom nodded… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: PSALM 119:72

June 13, 2020

Not Too Good to Be True

Bible Reading: JOHN 14:1-6 “Wow!” Liam pointed to the back of the cereal box. “Look at this race car model. It’s just like the car Cory Martin drives. You know—the guy who’s been winning lately! This is so big you can sit in it! Cool! Can I cut this out and send it in so… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: ROMANS 6:23

June 12, 2020

Get Rich Quick

Bible Reading: PHILIPPIANS 4:10-13 “Alice, do you have fifty dollars I can borrow?” Sam asked his older sister. “Fifty dollars!” said Alice. “No way! Mom said if you want that video game, you have to earn the money first.” “But I need the game now!” Sam sat down with a loud sigh. “How can I… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: 1 THESSALONIANS 5:18

June 11, 2020

Take the Steps

Bible Reading: DEUTERONOMY 31:6-8; JAMES 1:2-6 Sabrina hauled the grocery bags up the two flights of stairs with a moan. “Every step gets harder!” she complained to no one in particular. Her stepbrother, Justin, flew by her with his bags, taking two steps at a time. “Ha ha! Slow poke!” Sabrina glared at his back…. Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: 2 PETER 1:3

June 10, 2020

A New Addition

Bible Reading: MATTHEW 19:13-15; 1 JOHN 4:7-16 Macey and her younger sister, Rachel, looked curiously at Dad when he cleared his throat. “Your mother and I have a surprise for you,” he told them. Macey immediately hoped they were getting a new flat-screen TV, while Rachel envisioned a trip to Disneyland. Mom clasped Dad’s hand…. Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: ROMANS 15:7

June 9, 2020

Pushing Buttons

Bible Reading: JAMES 1:12-15 “What’s the problem, Mom?” Ford asked when his mother told him she needed help with her phone. “I just downloaded a new app, but I can’t figure out how to make it stop sending me all these notifications,” Mom explained. Ford grinned and tapped a few buttons on the screen. “Oh—there!”… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: JAMES 4:7

June 8, 2020

A Clean Chain

Bible Reading: LUKE 15:11-24 “Hey, Zack! Are you ready to ride?” asked Uncle Tim as his nephew pushed a mountain bike through the door of his garage. “The trails are in great shape. Maybe we can stop for ice cream afterward. To regain our strength.” He grinned. Zack smiled weakly. “Yeah, that’d be great.” Uncle… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: 1 JOHN 1:9

June 7, 2020

Safe in Jesus

Bible Reading: PSALM 91:1-2, 11, 14-15 The thunder boomed loudly as Kallie hid underneath the blanket on the living room couch. She peered through the holes of the afghan to see the torrential downpour outside the window. As Kallie covered her ears from the sound of the storm, she was reminded of her ear surgery… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: PSALM 91:2

June 6, 2020

What You Can’t See

Bible Reading: 1 PETER 1:3-5, 8 “Ah-choo!” Easton sneezed hard and reached for a tissue to blow his nose. “How do you feel?” asked Mom as she brought him a glass of juice. Easton sneezed again and reached for another tissue. “I keep sneezing. And I can’t breathe through my nose at all. But I… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: 2 CORINTHIANS 4:18

June 5, 2020

The Circle

Bible Reading: PSALM 90:1-4; 2 PETER 3:8 Cora was always full of questions—questions like: How many animals were on the ark? How did Jonah keep from drowning in the whale’s tummy? How far away are the stars? Can we take a trip to one of them? One day Cora came to her mother with another… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: PSALM 90:2