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July 4, 2020
Bible Reading: Hebrews 10:22-24 “Oh, look,” said Emery as she and her brother, Ezra, toured Independence Hall with their family. She pointed to a plaque on the wall. “Philadelphia, the city of brotherly love,” she read aloud. “I wonder why it’s called that.” “The city was founded by a man named William Penn,” said Dad…. Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Hebrews 10:23
July 3, 2020
Bible Reading: Romans 5:6-10 “What’s the matter, Kinsley?” Mom asked, surprised to see her youngest child in tears in front of the television. “A bear killed the girl’s dog,” Kinsley sobbed. Mom put an arm around her. “Oh, honey, it’s just a movie. It didn’t really happen.” Kinsley sniffed. “But it was so sad! It… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Romans 5:8
July 2, 2020
Bible Reading: John 6:47-58 Julie’s stomach grumbled. It felt like it had been ages since she’d had a bite of food. “Mom, can I have a snack?” she called out. “You just ate lunch. Why do you need a snack?” Mom called back from the dining room where she was cleaning. “That was hours ago!”… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: John 6:35
July 1, 2020
Bible Reading: Galatians 5:13-16 Nolan and Liza followed their grandfather into the chicken yard. “These birds are ready for their dinner,” said Grandpa as the chickens clucked loudly. Nolan threw out a handful of grain, and the chickens scrambled to pick it up in their beaks and gulp it down. One of the chickens was… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: Galatians 5:14
June 30, 2020
Bible Reading: MATTHEW 12:34-37 “You jerk!” yelled Adrian. “You spilled your orange juice on my art project, Isaac. Now I’ll have to do it all over again.” Adrian snatched up his paper. “I wish you weren’t my brother!” “I’m sorry,” Isaac said, tears filling his eyes. “Hey!” Adrian’s voice got louder. “That’s not orange juice…. Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: MATTHEW 12:34
June 29, 2020
Bible Reading: PSALM 145:17-19 “Levi?” Mom stood at the door. “Levi!” she said again, but he didn’t look up from his computer until she walked over and turned the music down. “Oh, hi, Mom,” said Levi. “I didn’t hear you come in.” Mom nodded. “I just noticed Mrs. Grady struggling out there with her lawn… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: 1 PETER 3:12
June 28, 2020
Bible Reading: LUKE 2:40, 51-52; 1 CORINTHIANS 13:11 “Whee!” Jaret cried. “Out of my way! My horse is galloping through.” Danika laughed as four-year-old Jaret zoomed past on his tricycle—a cowboy hat on his head and his western-print bathrobe flapping behind him. “He’s having fun!” Mom said from where she and Danika were pulling weeds…. Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: 2 PETER 3:18
June 27, 2020
Bible Reading: PSALM 119:97-104 Alannah’s mom came into the living room and set her Bible, which was stuffed with notes and church bulletins, on the table with a loud thump. “Alannah, why don’t you take a break from your homework so we can have devotions? We need to read about what happens to Elijah in… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: PROVERBS 25:25
June 26, 2020
Bible Reading: JOHN 1:43-50; HEBREWS 4:16; 1 JOHN 5:14-15 Yum!” Creed said, smacking his lips. “I sure do love your fig jam, Grandma.” “I can see that.” His grandmother chuckled. “Have some more.” “Where do you get all these figs from again?” Creed asked as he reached for another homemade biscuit. Grandma looked out her… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: COLOSSIANS 4:2
June 25, 2020
Bible Reading: PSALM 89:30-34 Chase wished he had listened to his mom when she told him not to jump his bike over the ramp he had built with planks of wood—but jumping his bike was fun! I’ll do it just one more time, he thought when Mom went into the house. So he tried it… Continue Reading…
Bible Reading: PSALM 89:14