July 14, 2020

The Boat Race

Bible Reading: Proverbs 3:5-6; James 1:5-6 “Before you leave tomorrow, there’s one more thing you must do in Paris,” said Sophie. She was strolling along a path in the Luxembourg Gardens with her cousin, Melody. Their parents followed them, discussing the job Sophie’s dad had recently accepted in France. “There!” said Sophie as a large… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Psalm 32:8

July 13, 2020

Faith of a Child

Bible Reading: Matthew 18:2-4; Luke 18:17; Hebrews 11:6 Eight-year-old Ashley walked into the hospital, timidly holding her mom’s hand. “I don’t want grandma to die,” she said. Mom stopped walking and knelt down next to her. “I know you don’t, honey. You love grandma very much. But she’s been sick for a long time and… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Matthew 18:3

July 12, 2020

A New Family

Bible Reading: Ephesians 1:3-6 “It was wonderful seeing you,” Mom told Mrs. Johnson after church. “You have a lovely week.” “The Johnsons are nice,” Sean said as he and his family walked outside. “I’m glad they’re back at church.” Katelyn tugged on Mom’s sleeve. “Where did they get another girl?” “Yeah, I noticed Mrs. Johnson… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: John 1:12

July 11, 2020

Humble Yourself

Bible Reading: Colossians 3:12; 1 Peter 5:5-6 “Guess what, Mom?” Andrea said as she burst through the door. “The teachers selected me to make the morning announcements for a whole month!” Mom wiped pie dough from her fingers. “That’s wonderful, Andrea! I’m happy for you.” Andrea frowned. “Happy for me? You should be proud! They… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Proverbs 11:2

July 10, 2020

They’re Human Too

Bible Reading: Ephesians 1:17-18; 1 Timothy 2:1-3 Aiden looked up somewhat fearfully when he heard the back door slam. He knew that sound meant his father had come into the house. Dad used to come home in a good mood, eager to talk with his family. But lately he had been so short-tempered and grumpy… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Ephesians 1:17

July 9, 2020

The Way

Bible Reading: Acts 16:25-34 “I will not cry! I have to stay calm,” Delaney told herself. They were here just a minute ago. While waiting with her sister and parents for a ride on the roller coaster at the fair, Delaney had gone to get a drink at a nearby water fountain. When she went… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: John 14:6

July 8, 2020

Help for the Hurting

Bible Reading: Job 2:11 Abe watched his brother Moe go into his room and slam the door behind him. Moe was in high school and lately had been acting super moody. Abe was confused by this, as his brother was usually so cheerful. He decided to talk to his grandfather about it. “I don’t get… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Romans 12:15

July 7, 2020

Other Side of the World

Bible Reading: Exodus 33:12-18; Psalm 139:5-10 Essie couldn’t believe it. “We’re moving WHERE?” “This is so cool! I’m moving to AFRICA!” her older brother, Erik, shouted. “I can’t believe this is happening!” her sister, Sadie, cried. “Will I have to wear one of those turbans on my head?” “Woo hoo!” their five-year-old brother, Davis, yelled… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 31:8

July 6, 2020

Life in the City

Bible Reading: Psalm 91:1-2; Proverbs 3:24-26 Christopher and his family had just moved to a small apartment right in the heart of the city so his dad could start a new job. Christopher had never lived in a big city before, and he hadn’t lived in an apartment either. He had always lived in a… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Psalm 91:2

July 5, 2020

Still Joyful

Bible Reading: Philippians 4:4-9; 1 Peter 2:21-25 “When are we going to buy an electric ice cream maker?” Ryan asked as he and Dad took turns cranking their old one. Dad grinned. “Not until Old Faithful here quits doing its job. To me, all this work is part of making ice cream.” As Ryan took… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Psalm 51:12