July 24, 2020

Knowing God

Bible Reading: Psalm 145:1-13; Isaiah 55:8-9 “Mom?” Zane came into his mother’s office with his friend Tomás. “Can Tomás stay the night? We’re doing a report on Abraham Lincoln and need to work on it some more.” “Sure,” said Mom, “if it’s okay with his parents, and if he doesn’t mind going to church with… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: PSALM 145:3

July 23, 2020

Hide and Seek

Bible Reading: Genesis 3:1-13; Hebrews 10:19-22 “Come out, come out, wherever you are!” yelled Dad. Maddie giggled happily as her dad missed her hiding spot in the bushes. He looked high in the trees and under the deck, and he even started looking in the house for her. “Have you seen Maddie?” he asked Mom…. Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Hebrews 10:22

July 22, 2020

After the Struggle

Bible Reading: Romans 5:3-5 “Nearly there, Liam,” Dad said one glorious Saturday morning as they climbed up the steep hill toward Redcap Park. Liam followed Dad, treading carefully. They had been walking a few miles uphill already. “How much is nearly there?” he huffed as he took a sip of water. “Not long,” said Dad…. Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Romans 8:18

July 21, 2020

Wait and See

Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 18:10-12; Matthew 6:25-34 “Where are we going, Dad?” asked Collin as his father turned a corner. “Wait and see,” Dad said with a wink. “Psychic Readings,” Collin read aloud as they drove past a sign on a nearby building. “Have your fortune told here.” “I’d like to know the future,” said sixteen-year-old… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Jeremiah 29:11

July 20, 2020

Signs and Stickers

Bible Reading: Galatians 5:22-25 “I. got a V!” Marley yelled as a van with a bumper sticker on the back passed their car. “See—that bumper sticker says, ‘Visualize world peace.’” She crossed the letter V off her sheet of paper. On vacation with their dad, Marley and her brother, Gabe, were playing a game to… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: John 13:35

July 19, 2020

A Higher View

Bible Reading: Romans 8:28-32 Talia and Malik grinned at each other as their family rode the elevator to the observation deck of the Willis Tower, the tallest building in Chicago. Their ears popped as they whizzed past floor after floor, going higher and higher. When they got off the elevator, they ran to the window… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Isaiah 55:9

July 18, 2020

Clean it Away

Bible Reading: Romans 6:11-14; 1 John 1:7-9 “Thanks for helping me with this,” Mom said after she and Everly had finished dusting and vacuuming the living room. “It sure looks a lot better in here now.” Everly smiled and glanced around the newly cleaned room. The sun shone brightly through the window. “Oh no!” she… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: 1 John 1:9

July 17, 2020

The Only Way In

Bible Reading: John 10:7-10 Devon frowned at his friend Amir. “You really believe there’s only one way to heaven?” he asked. “My mom says there are lots of people following different ways to get there. She says anybody who does what they sincerely believe is right will go to heaven. Like…some people practice Buddhism. If… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: John 10:9

July 16, 2020

Waiting to Hear

Bible Reading: Matthew 28:18-20 Hadley checked the mailbox in front of her house for the third time. “The mail isn’t here yet!” she told her mother. “It should have been here a long time ago. Dad ordered me an early birthday gift online, and it’s supposed to come today. He said I could open it… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Mark 16:15

July 15, 2020

Tornado Thumbs

Bible Reading: James 3:2-10 Felix walked into the house and flopped onto the couch. Some of the guys on his baseball team had told him that Jeremy, their classmate, was saying mean and untrue things about him. “If I were you, I’d tell him off!” one of Felix’s friends had urged. “Yeah,” said another. “It’s… Continue Reading…

Bible Reading: Psalm 141:3