The Fallen Nest

Bible Reading: Matthew 6:26-27; 7:24-27 What a horrible week, Ella thought as she dropped her school bag on the table. First I failed my science test, then Aria got mad at me and now she won’t talk to me. Just then Mom’s voice drifted in from the back porch. “Ella, come look! A bird’s making…

The Ant Farm

Bible Reading: Psalm 139:1-12; 1 John 1:9 Maya and her little brother River watched ants scurry up and down the tiny tunnels in her ant farm. “Look!” said River, pointing to one of the ants. “What is that one carrying?” After a moment, he added, “And why is that one digging a new tunnel? Oh!…

Fools Rush In

Bible Reading: Philippians 2:1-4 Sebastian quickly wrapped a rubber band around the faucet spray nozzle and ran back to the table. He watched his older sister rush into the kitchen and grab her water bottle. When she turned on the faucet, a fountain of water hit her in the face and she screamed. Sebastian laughed…

Dead or Alive

Bible Reading: Matthew 28:1-10; Romans 1:20-23 “Is not!” Santiago’s voice rang throughout the house. “Is too!” Aria shouted back at her older brother. “Don’t be so narrow-minded!” said Santiago crossly. “When you’re older, you’ll learn more about the world and find out you’re not always right.” “Well, Dad’s older than you, and I’m sure he…

Canyon Echo

Bible Reading: Romans 10:13-15 “Yum! Those hamburgers smell really good!” exclaimed Isla as her mom turned the meat on the grill. “I’ll call Dad and Evelyn. They said they’d stay close enough to hear us.” The family was camping in a mountain canyon, and Isla’s dad and sister had gone to collect some firewood while…

A Free Gift

Bible Reading: Ephesians 2:8-9 Cillian was so excited. Nice weather was finally here, and he was big enough to ride a bike with real gears! He got on the bike Mom bought last year at a garage sale and pedaled down the street. Then he tried shifting gears, but his ten-gear bike wouldn’t shift out…

Humpty Dumpty Words

Bible Reading: Ephesians 4:29; James 3:2-10 “I don’t want to see you again until you give me my mitt back!” shouted Adrian. “Don’t ever come in my room again!” He slammed the door as his brother left the room. “What’s all this yelling about?” asked Mom, coming down the hall. “Adrian says I stole his…

Beginning to Fly

Bible Reading: Ephesians 4:20-24 “Leave my stuff alone!” Elijah shouted at his younger brother. “Get out of my room right now!” Mom hurried to see what was going on. When she got to Elijah’s room, five-year-old Lance came running out, his eyes brimming with tears. “Elijah! What’s the problem?” asked Mom as she sat on…

Dangerous Lies

Bible Reading: 1 Peter 5:8-10 Editor’s note: This story’s subject matter may not be suitable for young children. Tayla watched her mother in the mirror as she clasped a necklace around Tayla’s neck. They were getting ready to go to a funeral. “Mom, you’ve been really quiet this morning,” Tayla pointed out. Mom smiled weakly….

Dig In

Bible Reading: Hebrews 5:12-14 “Harper sure drinks a lot of milk, doesn’t she?” said Layla one day as she watched her baby sister. “You’d think she’d get tired of it.” “Maybe she does,” replied Mom. “Shall I fix her a peanut butter sandwich or offer her an apple?” “No!” Layla laughed at Mom’s joke. “I…