One Hive, Many Members

Bible Reading: Romans 12:3-8 Kayleigh looked out the window as the familiar countryside whizzed past on the way to her grandparents’ house. “We’re here!” she exclaimed when she spotted it. “I see Grandpa in the backyard with his bees.” She got out of the car and ran to the hives out back. As she approached,…

Practice Makes Perfect

Bible Reading: Philippians 2:1-4; Titus 3:1-2 As his parents discussed plans for the coming weekend, Nolan took another helping of potatoes. “Hey! Pass the gravy,” he said, interrupting their conversation. “And the salt too.” Dad frowned at him. “Didn’t you notice that your mother and I were talking? You interrupted us. And whatever happened to…

An Invitation

Bible Reading: Matthew 22:1-14; John 6:37-40 “Mom,” said Tia when she arrived home from school. “You’re not going to believe this!” “Believe what?” asked Mom. “Kayla took a babysitting job on the day of my party! You’d think she could turn down one job! And McKenna isn’t coming either. Her family is going to the…

Stronger Than Super Glue

Bible Reading: Romans 8:35-39 CRASH! “Oh no!” Carrying a coffee mug with a broken handle, Quon shuffled into the living room where Mom was on her computer. “I broke Dad’s favorite mug,” he wailed. “It fell when I was taking it out of the dishwasher.” Mom took the mug and looked it over. “I know…


Bible Reading: Romans 8:26-27; Philippians 4:6-7 “God is great. God is good,” prayed Theodore. “And we thank Him for our food. Amen.” As he poured milk on his cereal, Theodore thought about the prayer he’d been reciting before meals ever since he was little. “Mom, why don’t you ever say that prayer when you give…

Just Camping

Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:1-9 “I miss Uncle Grant,” said Scarlett. She watched her father pound a tent stake into the ground. “I know he’s in heaven, but he always loved camping in the mountains with us, and now he can’t do that. It doesn’t seem right.” Scarlett knew heaven was a happy place, but…

The Giving Box

Bible Reading: James 2:14-17 Hadley watched as Clemence hurried into their church classroom. The loose sole of her worn shoe slapped against the floor. Flap…flap…flap. She looked like she was trying to enter without anyone noticing her. Hadley knew Clemence’s brother had been sick for a while and most of her family’s money went toward…

Negative Reaction

Bible Reading: 1 Timothy 6:11-14 “Mom, my skin is getting all itchy!” said Tate, holding out his arms. “There are bumps on my legs too.” “Oh no!” said Mom. “I wonder why your allergies are acting up again. I haven’t changed the laundry detergent or any of our soaps. I can’t imagine what’s causing an…

Traveling Light

Bible Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18; Revelation 21:1-4 Addison gazed at the glistening night sky and frowned. This family camping trip hadn’t cheered her up a bit. She still felt sad about all the terrible things going on in the world. She sniffled when Mom came and sat beside her on the large tree stump. “I…

A Very Good Gift

Bible Reading: Matthew 7:7-12 Kiara wanted a pet bird—a green-winged macaw she could train and teach to talk. She prayed for one every night. Mom and Dad always shook their heads. “Macaws take a lot of work,” they’d say. “And space.” Kiara only wanted one gift. Why wouldn’t they listen? Why wouldn’t God answer her…