Luna’s Wings

Bible Reading: Psalm 36:7-9; John 14:26-28 Stroking the hen’s feathers, Rowan grinned as the chicks tugged at his pants, then scuttled under their mother. “Hi, girls.” His sisters Opal and Sylvie joined him, peering under the hen at the chicks, but they knew better than to touch. “They’re so cute!” Five-year-old Rosalind tried to grab…

Two Words

Bible Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:9-13 “Did you see my hit, Dad?” Caden asked as he climbed into the pick-up. “My first of the season!” Dad nodded. “You know, it could have been a double if you had stepped into the swing.” “I know, but…” Caden quieted. Mom opened the front door as they drove up…

Heart Hoarders

Bible Reading: Ephesians 4:31-32; Hebrews 12:1-2 “Mom, look at this!” Sari pointed to the TV. “This woman has been hoarding junk for more than twenty years, and now her house is so full she can’t even move around in it! It’s a huge health hazard, and she’s going to be forced to leave her home…

A Gentle Push

Bible Reading: Deuteronomy 33:26-27; Isaiah 40:28-31 Mario and his dad were on a fishing trip when Mario made a discovery—an eagle’s nest way up near the top of a tall tree. And up in the sky, they saw a large bird soaring high over the river. Mario let out a long breath. “Wow! I wish…

God’s Treasure Box

Bible Reading: 1 Peter 2:9-10 Grace took her treasure box out from under the bed and opened it to look over the contents inside. She took a couple of items out and inspected them. A special note from Grandma. A ballet ticket stub. A birthstone ring. A picture book. She smiled as she returned them…

Stick With Me (Part 2)

Bible Reading: Psalm 42; 1 Peter 1:3-9; Revelation 21:3-5 “I’m going for a walk.” Mel’s attention shot up at Owen’s announcement as he entered the kitchen. He still had his hoodie on, but he was actually wearing jeans, not sweatpants. “You want to join?” Mel nodded and jumped to her feet, and within a minute…

Stick With Me (Part 1)

Bible Reading: Psalm 23; 2 Corinthians 1:3-7 Mel peeked out of her room to see if Owen’s door was still shut. It was. All she saw was the array of homemade stickers plastered over it. The door was closed a lot lately. Mel sighed. She wished Owen would play with her and tease her for…

The Lilac Bush

Bible Reading: Psalm 66:10-12; Colossians 3:1-14; 1 Peter 1:7 Poppy walked into the kitchen just as her mom was coming in from outside. It was a hot day, and her mom’s face was bright red and dripping with sweat. “Mom!” Poppy laughed. “What have you been doing?” Her mom was breathing heavily, but she smiled….

Spring Flowers

Bible Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 As Macy walked with her mom to the barn, she began to pick a bouquet of wildflowers. She was so excited to see flowers again. Winter was over, and spring was budding everywhere. “After we finish helping Dad and Jake with the chores in the barn, we can get those…

Hidden Blooms

Bible Reading: Psalm 119:9-16 It was a chilly afternoon in early October, and Ben and Grandpa were out on the deck planting bulbs in flowerpots. Grandpa showed Ben how to bury the bulbs deep beneath heaps of soft, powdery compost. A week later, when Ben came to visit Grandpa again, he ran straight to the…