Storms of Life

Bible Reading: Isaiah 25:4-5 Gwen did a belly flop on her bed and began to sob uncontrollably. After a couple minutes, there was a light knocking on her door. “Come in,” Gwen said into her pillow. Mom sat down on the side of Gwen’s bed. “I take it you didn’t have a good day at…

Sleeping Peacefully

Bible Reading: Psalms 63:6-8; 73:23-28 “How does she sleep like that?” Lennon asked, staring at her baby sister. Lennon had been having nightmares that just wouldn’t stop. “How is she so peaceful?” Mom smiled. “I think Lyric feels safe. I think she’s pretty comfortable here with us.” She shifted the baby in her arms. “If…


Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:35-44 “It’s a nice sunny day,” said Mom. “Want to help me plant seeds in the garden? We can plant the flower seeds we found at Grandma’s house.” “Okay!” said Leo. “I’ll get them.” He ran to fetch the brightly colored packets, and soon he and Mom were burying tiny brown…

The Dead Stick

Bible Reading: 1 John 5:10-13 Bruno frowned and kicked at a stone as he walked home from school. As he approached Mr. Burk’s house, he saw his Sunday school teacher working in the yard. “Hi there, Bruno,” said Mr. Burk. “How are you today?” “Not great,” muttered Bruno. He shuffled his toe in the dirt….

Without a Script

Bible Reading: Exodus 4:10-12; Ephesians 6:18-20 As the curtain dropped at the end of her school play, Hazel’s dad and brother made their way backstage. “You remembered every line perfectly,” Dad said, giving her a hug. Hazel smiled. “Before the curtain rose at the beginning, I was so scared! I didn’t see how I was…


Bible Reading: Psalm 130 Where’s Pippi? wondered Monica when she got home from school. She always meets me at the door. Then she saw it—a trail of tissue paper from the bathroom down the hall. “Oh, you naughty puppy! Come here, Pippi!” A brown ball of fur came slinking out from under Monica’s bed, tail…

Colby Gives Thanks

Bible Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18; James 1:17 “What a great day!” Colby told his dad as they said goodbye to their friends at the park. They’d joined other families to hang out and have fun. Colby’s two best friends, Asher and Arlo, had been there too. As Colby and his father turned toward the sidewalk,…

A Green Thumb

Bible Reading: Colossians 3:23-24 Plink! Plink! Plink! One by one, Abbie slowly picked out the notes of the music for her piano recital. This is so hard, she thought. I’m not sure I’ll ever get it good enough to play in front of a bunch of people! Abbie struggled on for a few minutes, then…

Life Insurance

Bible Reading: John 3:16-18 “Hey, Dad!” Eleanor said as she bounced into the den. “What are you doing?” Dad looked up from the papers on his desk and smiled at Eleanor. “Just going through some paperwork. How was school?” “All right,” Eleanor replied. “I got a B on my science test today.” She paused, and…

Granny’s Helper

Bible Reading: Psalm 55:16-17, 22 As Jeremiah looked out the window at the falling rain, he felt like his life was as dismal as the day. Dad left home, and we don’t even know where he is, he thought. Now Mom is sick, and it’s up to me to look after her and my two…