
Bible Reading: Philippians 4:11-13; 1 Timothy 6:6-8 “Hey, Mr. Watson,” said Thiago as he walked across the courtyard of his apartment complex. His neighbor was watering pink and white impatiens in a flower box. “Hi, Thiago,” replied the elderly man. “Have you gotten used to being in the city yet?” Thiago put his backpack down…


Bible Reading: 1 Corinthians 10:12-14 As Charlotte carefully counted out the money she had taken from her drawer, her sister Rachel watched from the bed. The girls had decided to pool their money and get their mom a special gift for Mother’s Day. “We should go around the neighborhood and ask if there are any…

Silent Treatment

Bible Reading: 1 Timothy 2:1-8 Alex frowned as he poured some cereal and looked out the window. Joanna never quits talking! he thought as he saw his sister coming up the driveway. I wish she’d leave me alone. He snapped his fingers. I know what’ll fix her. I’ll give her the silent treatment. So when…

Slicing Onions

Bible Reading: Psalms 34:17-18; 147:3; Hebrews 4:14-16 “I can’t wait for the school carnival on Friday!” said Skylar. “My mom’s working at the slushy booth. She’s gonna make me a slushy with every flavor in it!” “My dad’s helping out with the pin game,” said Gabriel. “He said there are some cool prizes for whoever…

For Grammy and God

Bible Reading: Matthew 25:31-40 “Are you ready to go, Elizabeth?” asked Mom. Elizabeth frowned. They were going to visit Mom’s grandma, who had Alzheimer’s disease. “I’m not sure why we visit every week,” murmured Elizabeth as they started toward the door. “Last week she didn’t even remember my name.” “No, but Grammy always enjoys seeing…

Rule Breaker

Bible Reading: Exodus 20:1-17; Romans 8:1-4 Tristan sighed as the bell signaling the end of recess rang. “Come on,” he said to his friend Aria. “We’d better hurry or we’ll get in trouble.” “Yeah,” Aria said. “Mrs. McGinn is so strict. Her rules are impossible!” As Tristan worked on his math that afternoon, his pencil…

Little Lies

Bible Reading: Ephesians 4:17-25 “Hi, Dad,” Zander said as he entered his father’s workshop. “Can you help me build a birdhouse now?” Dad looked up. “I’m ready if you are. Let’s pick out some wood.” He led the way to the bin of scrap wood. “I thought you were playing with Landon today.” “He left,”…

Paper Grandpas

Bible Reading: Philippians 1:3-6; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Astrid plopped down on the porch swing. She looked up as her Uncle Tim came up the porch steps. “Hi, Astrid,” he said. “Do I see a frown on this beautiful day? What’s up?” Astrid sighed. “My friend Ella’s rich grandpa paid for a vacation in Florida for…


Bible Reading: Matthew 18:12-14 Rain pelted against Jack’s face as he tried to ride his bike. Three more blocks and he would be home. However, it seemed like he wasn’t getting anywhere with the wind pressing against him. He peddled hard but wasn’t moving fast. It’s even hard to see, Jack thought and finally pulled…

The Monkey Trap

Bible Reading: Luke 12:16-21, 31 “Hey, you want a monkey for a pet?” asked Anthony’s friend Obi one day. “Sure, but how would I catch one?” asked Anthony. He and his parents had recently arrived in Africa as missionaries. “It’s easy. You trap him,” said Obi, handing Anthony a gourd. “First, make a hole in…