Off the Richter

Bible Reading: Psalms 97:1-6; 104:31-35; Revelation 1:4-7 Enzo was watching TV when he saw small ripples appear in his glass of juice. A moment later, he felt slight vibrations throughout his body, as though someone had just started a car he was sitting in. “Mom!” Enzo yelled as he ran into the kitchen. “The floor…

Sweeter than Honey

Bible Reading: Psalm 119:97-104 “What is this?” Lindsey asked her grandma, looking at the metal trays and racks on the kitchen counter. “That’s honeycomb,” Grandma said. “Grandpa took it out of one of our hives earlier.” “It doesn’t look like honey,” Lindsey said doubtfully. Grandma laughed. “Right now, the comb is draining, so if you…

Doing It for a Friend

Bible Reading: Mark 2:3-12 Kelvin sighed as he picked up a big box. “This room is full of stuff.” Mom wiped sweat from her forehead. “And we need to get it all moved to the garage. Theresa and her kids will be here soon.” Kelvin and his mom had been struggling since his dad passed…

Bent, Not Broken

Bible Reading: Romans 8:31-39; 2 Corinthians 12:9 The wind blew through Georgia’s hair as she and her uncle paddled their canoe among the reeds that filled the marshes near her new home. She didn’t feel like paddling. Her mom had died of cancer four months before, and now she and her little brother were living…

Give It a Try

Bible Reading: Psalm 34:3-8 “Wanna come to church with me this week, Finn?” asked Tobin, who was at his cousin’s house for the day. “We’re studying the life of Jesus in my Sunday school class, and I think you’d really like it!” “Nah,” muttered Finn. “I don’t like church.” “How do you know?” asked Tobin….

Hit and Run

Bible Reading: Romans 5:6-11 “Oh no!” groaned Jonas as he and his mom stood looking at the dent in their car. “What happened?” “Apparently someone backed into the car while we were shopping, but whoever it was didn’t leave a note saying they did it.” Mom sighed. “Well, there’s nothing much we can do about…

Always Listening

Bible Reading: Psalm 66:19-20 “We’re leaving in five minutes, everybody. Let’s get moving!” Dad called from the garage. Hunter, already packed and ready hours ago, bounded in through the back door. “Mom, Mom! Guess what I found outside!” But, distracted with her preparations, Mom didn’t seem to hear. She bent over the cooler she was…

How to Make Friends

Bible Reading: Matthew 7:12; Romans 13:8-10 Elodie’s heart ached as she got ready for school. “No one ever talks to me at school,” she told her parents at breakfast. “I hate it here! We’ve lived here six weeks, and I still don’t have one friend—not one!” “Elodie, when I was a kid I learned a…

Jingo and Jayla

Bible Reading: John 10:7-10 Jayla’s black and white kitten dug his claws into the leg of her jeans. She shook him off and started loading the dishwasher. Meow! protested the kitten. “What do you want, Jingo?” asked Jayla. Jingo bounced to the sliding door. “I guess you’re ready to go outside,” said Jayla. The kitten…

Like Jesus

Bible Reading: Philippians 3:20-21; 1 John 3:1-3 Armel sighed as he looked out the window. He had planned to spend the day fishing with Grandpa, but it was raining. “This is going to be the most boring day ever,” he grumbled. “Oh, you’re always complaining,” said his sister. “Read a book or something.” The sound…