A Hidden Gift

Bible Reading: Matthew 25:14-29 “C’mon, Rocket,” Gemma called to her dog. “Let’s go outside.” When she opened the back door, Rocket raced out into the fenced yard. Then he ran back to Gemma. He jumped up playfully before racing through the yard once again. Finally, he stopped near his favorite bush and sniffed the ground….

How to Be Different

Bible Reading: Philippians 2:14-16; 1 Peter 2:9-12 “But I don’t want to wear mismatched shoes, Kassi,” Brooke informed her best friend. The two girls were sitting together while riding the bus for a class field trip. During the drive, Kassi shared with Brooke how she longed to be unique—to stand out from the crowd and…

True Treasure

Bible Reading: Matthew 13:44; Philippians 3:7-8 Roman tapped his fingers on the console of his family’s minivan. He was about to honk the horn when he saw Mom lock the front door and swoop his baby sister onto her hip. “Hurry,” Roman mumbled. He wanted to get to the game store early. Mom opened the…

Flip It!

Bible Reading: Philippians 4:4-9; Colossians 3:15-16 CRASH! Mae threw one of her toys across the room. Why does everything have to be so difficult? Flopping on her bed, Mae grabbed her stuffed octopus and flipped it inside out. Now it was frowning back at her. “That’s how I feel too, Oki.” “What happened? I heard…

Good Listener

Bible Reading: Proverbs 2:1-9 “Anna makes me so mad!” declared Kenzo. “She never listens to anyone else’s ideas. And she always whispers in class. I wish she’d just sit still for one minute and listen to what someone else is saying!” “Well, just be sure you don’t let her keep you from listening when your…

No Camouflage

Bible Reading: Matthew 5:13-16 Zebb leaned forward as he and his family traveled through the African game reserve. His excitement at seeing animals in their natural habitats was rapidly being replaced by frustration. “There’s a springbok!” said their guide, pointing out the window. “Where?” Zebb strained to look in the direction the guide had indicated….

Wiped Clean

Bible Reading: Psalm 51:1-10 Brighton sprayed cleaning solution on the whiteboard in the room where she did her homeschool lessons. Then she took a cloth and wiped away all the colorful splotches left behind from the markers used on it. “There,” she said. “That’s better. Just erasing it doesn’t get rid of all the marker…

The Cranky Neighbor

Bible Reading: Mark 12:28-31 Macy glanced at her brother and made a face as Mrs. Jackson from next door stepped into their yard. Here we go again, she thought. Their neighbor was always mad about something. Mom got up from the porch swing. “Hello,” she said in a cheerful voice. Mrs. Jackson harrumphed. “I thought…

Like a Kitten

Bible Reading: Matthew 6:28-33 “Mom, what if Dad can’t find another job?” Selah was sitting with Mom on the porch, helping shuck corn for supper. Dad had been out of work for months, and even though her parents were still in good spirits, Selah could tell that money was starting to get tight. Mom smiled…

Always Watching

Bible Reading: Psalm 56:3-4; Isaiah 26:3-4; Romans 8:35-39 Editor’s note: This story addresses violence and may not be suitable for some children. Kendall sat on her bed and looked at her mother. “Can’t we just stay home?” she asked. “I don’t want to go downtown. I’m still scared.” There had been a shooting in the…