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Down Gilead Lane, Holiday Specials | Episode 12
It’s Christmas in Coleraine, but something’s different! Brooke’s married and has four kids, Timmy’s in the Air Force, and Haley’s a missionary in Africa! It’s a vision of Christmas future that reminds us why we look back to a night in a stable.
Down Gilead Lane, Season 6 | Episode 12
As the school year draws to a close, Caleb is, for the first time, having to determine God’s will for his life. What will his parents do if he tries to change his college plans? It’s a nostalgic look back AND hope for the future, on the season finale!
Down Gilead Lane, Season 6 | Episode 11
Brad Smith and his friends have been terrorizing Anthony ever since the big party, and Caleb and Michael are really struggling with the injustice. Will they take matters into their own hands, or let Anthony “turn the other cheek”? It’s a knock-down drag-out episode!
Down Gilead Lane, Season 6 | Episode 10
Caleb’s arrest at the party will have an effect on the Richter family that will change someone’s life forever. Also, has Michael finally met his match in sports? It’s all about living in peace—with God and men!
Down Gilead Lane, Season 6 | Episode 9
A secret high school party could lead to a dangerous night for careless students. Should Anthony and his friends inform the police or just look away? And when Maya tries to be the peacemaker between her brother and sister, could she be stirring up a hornet’s nest?
Down Gilead Lane, Season 6 | Episode 8
In another attempt to “feel good about herself”, Tiffany Richter is coordinating a community-wide clothing drive, but Tiffany isn’t the only one giving with impure motives. What was it Haley said about “getting God to bless her”?
Down Gilead Lane, Season 6 | Episode 7
Everybody in Coleraine (COLE-er-ane) loves Caleb Richter…except Caleb! How will the Morrisons and Mr. Taylor react when Caleb tries to sabotage his new “nice guy” image? And what could be Tiffany’s next scheme for getting some of her brother’s spotlight?
Down Gilead Lane, Season 6 | Episode 6
Cougars quarterback Anthony Donnor is officially out of commission, and there are mixed emotions about Caleb Richter filling in for the state championship game. Caleb himself feels paralyzed with fear, but one person believes in him—Anthony! How far can a little encouragement go?
Down Gilead Lane, Season 6 | Episode 5
It’s high school football playoff season, and the star quarterback has an injury! Will Caleb Richter have to step up? And what can Maya’s “mustard seed” of faith do in the lives of her family?
Down Gilead Lane, Season 6 | Episode 4
Timmy Morrison is running for third grade class leader, and he has a platform that’ll make him a shoo-in—servant leadership! But when his behavior at home doesn’t match up with his behavior at school, there’ll be more at stake than his approval rating.