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Down Gilead Lane, Season 4 | Episode 10
The kids stumble on to the “grown-ups only meeting” at the Sunrise Grill. But hey, where else are they going to get a bite to eat in Coleraine? One thing’s for sure—Michael’s not arguing with sticking around for a cheeseburger.
Down Gilead Lane, Season 4 | Episode 9
The Morrison kids set the raccoon babies free and learn an important lesson about giving something up for a better life. And speaking of giving something up for a better life, what is Ms. Kopek’s big secret?
Down Gilead Lane, Season 4 | Episode 8
How could some neighborhood raccoons go from pests to pets for the Morrisons? And was that Ms. Kopek having lunch with Maya…and laughing? It’s the beginning of some unlikely friendships!
Down Gilead Lane, Season 4 | Episode 7
It’s hard leaving first grade when you’ve got the best teacher ever. But, like it or not, Timmy’s headed for second grade. Or is he?
Down Gilead Lane, Season 4 | Episode 5
Brooke’s studying for exams, and Mikey wants to help quiz her—in the middle of the night? There’s something strange going on in the Morrison house!
Down Gilead Lane, Season 4 | Episode 4
Timmy’s having a problem with carelessness. Will his boat slip-up lose him Mr. Key’s friendship? Or will Mr. Key be the one finally giving something up?
Down Gilead Lane, Holiday Specials | Episode 8
Travel back in time to John and Mary Morrison’s first Christmas in Coleraine and discover how this young couple first came to know the true spirit of giving, and the greatest undeserved gift!
Down Gilead Lane, Holiday Specials | Episode 6
Take a family of seven, one long road trip, and a flat tire. Mix in a six-year-old with a holiday joke book and you’ve got a recipe for…one great Thanksgiving? This Gilead Thanksgiving special is full of unexpected surprises!
Down Gilead Lane, Season 4 | Episode 3
Picture this: Lauren’s always had a knack for photography, but now Ms. Gray seems more interested in the pictures Justin took. Whether you’re someone who seems to be good at everything—or you feel like you’re not good at anything—you’ll want to tune in to this episode of Down Gilead Lane!