Forgotten Friend

Speaker A: Don't go away, kids. It's story time. Boys and girls for Jesus this our earnest prayer.
Boys and girls for Jesus Home and school and playing everywhere we'll tell the world of life in Jesus he is a life song.
There is a unity. Jesus, won't you come along?
Speaker B: Hi. Come on in. I'm Uncle Charlie and this is Children's Bible Hours Storytime. I have an interesting story ready for you. It's called Forgotten Friend. Have you ever been forgotten? Have you ever forgotten someone else? Well, either way, I think you'll enjoy today's story and we'll get around to it in just a moment. We have time for a good go along with the Story song. Remember, the story is called Forgotten Friend. Well, this song says Reach out and touch. Yes, touch Touch that forgotten friend Reach.
Speaker A: Out your hand to touch your neighbour Even in little things Showing him in trust in successes Helping him with his needs Reach out in touc. Touch the heart of someone Someone who's lost his way Helping him find a new direction Showing him how to pray Reach out your hand to help a stranger Someone you've.
Someone who needs a friend to be close to Someone who's all alone Reach out to those who are afflicted Proving you really care Letting your love spill Loved and kindness Willing to always share.
Speaker B: Now, are you all ready for the story? It's called Forgotten Friend.
Speaker C: Congratulations, Liz. I just heard that you're going to be one of our new cheerleaders. Good deal. We're going to have so much fun. I know, Marcia. I can't wait to start. I just loved being a cheerleader last year. I've already learned some of the cheers. There'll be new ones to learn, too. Hey, Marcia. I haven't seen Carrie around. Do you know if she made the squad? I don't think she did, but she can try again next year. I was hoping she made it, too. I bet she was disappointed. Poor Carrie. Don't worry about it. We're gonna have such a great.
Hey, Carrie, wait up.
Speaker D: Oh, hi, Liz. I was just going to eat lunch.
Speaker C: I was looking for you. Carrie.
Speaker D: I was looking for you, too. Congratulations on getting chosen for the cheerleading squad.
Speaker C: Oh, thanks. It's going to be a lot of fun, but I wish you had made it, too.
Speaker D: So do I. But maybe next time come along and eat lunch with me, okay? I want to talk to you.
Speaker C: Sorry, Carrie, but I can't. I'm eating lunch with the children. Cheerleaders today?
Speaker D: Do you have to? I hardly ever see you anymore.
Speaker C: I know, but the cheerleaders are in charge of the school party after the game on Saturday, and we have to decide what we're going to do.
Speaker A: Hey, Liz, come on.
Speaker C: You have to get started. Coming, Marcia?
I have to go, Carrie. I'll talk to you later.
All right. Come on, team. Let's go. Oh, Liz, I can't believe we're winning. The Weston team is supposed to be so good. I know. They've been winning all their games. This is so much fun.
Speaker A: Fun?
Speaker C: Marcia, I love being. Hey, Liz. Oh, hi, Carrie.
Speaker D: Hey, Liz. How about going for ice cream after the game?
Speaker C: There's a school party after the game, remember?
Speaker D: Oh, that's right.
Speaker C: I told you the other day that I have to go. Why don't you come too? I'll be busy with the cheerleaders, but you can come with someone else.
Speaker D: But I really need to talk to you.
Speaker C: Yeah, well, we can talk soon some other time.
Speaker B: Liz spent so much of her time at cheerleading practice, attending games and running around with new friends that she never did find the time for that talk. As she arrived home from school one day, Liz was thinking about Carrie, wondering why her old friend hadn't been in school for a couple of days.
Speaker C: Hi, Mom. I'm home.
Speaker E: Hi, honey. I have a surprise for you.
Speaker C: What is it?
Speaker E: Your grandma sent you a package in the mail.
Speaker C: Oh, goody. She's the greatest. But it's not my birthday or anything. I wonder why she sent it.
Speaker E: You know how Grandma is, Liz. She loves you so much, and she likes to do things for you.
Speaker C: I know, and I love her, too.
Speaker E: Speaking of grandmas, I have some sad news.
I heard today that Carrie's grandma died last night.
Speaker C: Oh, no. That's probably why Carrie hasn't been in school the last few days.
Speaker E: I suppose so. Her grandma was taken to the hospital in Mason City last weekend, and Carrie and her parents went to be with her.
Speaker C: Carrie's wanted me to eat lunch with her a few times lately. And she wanted to go for ice cream a couple of times. I bet she wanted to tell me about her grandma being sick.
Speaker E: You didn't even know her grandma was sick?
Speaker C: No. I haven't talked to Carrie very much lately since I became a cheerleader. I just didn't seem to have time for anything else.
Speaker E: I know you've spent a lot of time with one of the cheerleaders. What's her name?
Speaker C: Oh, that's Marsha.
Speaker E: Oh, yes.
Speaker C: She's been so nice to me. She was a cheerleader last year, too, so she knows everything about it. I'm learning lots that's nice.
Speaker E: Except it's made you forget about an old friend, right?
Speaker C: Yeah. I can hardly believe what happened that Carrie's grandma died without me even knowing she was sick. I know Carrie loved her a lot.
Speaker E: Probably as much as you. You love your grandma. Oh, I almost forgot about the package Grandma sent you. Here it is.
Speaker C: Thanks. I forgot, too. I wonder what it is.
Oh, mom, look. It's a picture for me to cross stitch.
Speaker E: I guess Grandma remembers how much you enjoyed working on the one she gave you for Christmas.
Speaker C: I like this one, too, but look at all the words on it. I haven't cross stitched any letters yet.
Speaker E: Oh, you'll be able to do it. What does it say?
Speaker C: It's a scripture verse. It says, a friend loves at all times. Proverbs 17. 17.
Speaker E: That's a good verse. And it's one you'll want to remember all your life.
Speaker C: I learned that verse in Sunday school when I was little, but I'm afraid I haven't practiced it very well. Especially lately. I haven't been a very good friend to Carrie. Oh, mom, what should I do? Carrie probably doesn't even want to see me or talk to me now.
Speaker E: Oh, I think she does. You did let the new things in your life keep you from being a true friend. But that can be mended. I think Carrie will want to talk to you about her grandma.
Speaker C: You really think so?
Speaker E: Sure. She'll be home in a few days and you'll see her at school. Or you can call her.
Speaker C: I will.
Speaker B: Carrie was back in school the next week, and Liz quickly arranged to eat lunch with her at noon.
Speaker A: Mmm.
Speaker C: This is good soup. And don't you love these cinnamon rolls, Kerry?
Speaker D: Yeah, they have my favorite lunch menu today.
Speaker C: Carrie, I didn't only want to eat lunch with you today.
I. Well, I needed to apologize for the way I've treated you since I became a cheerleader.
Speaker D: I know you've been busy, Liz. I just miss talking to you like we used to do.
Speaker C: I know I haven't been very nice, and I know I was wrong.
Speaker D: Oh, Liz, that's okay.
Speaker C: No, it is not okay. Just because I'm a cheerleader and have some new friends doesn't mean I can ignore you. I'm sorry.
And, Carrie, I'm really sorry about your grandma.
Speaker D: Grandma was a Christian and she's gone to heaven. I know I'll see her again someday, but I still miss her. I loved her so much.
Speaker C: I know I'd feel the same way about my grandma.
Speaker D: Grandma was always so special to me. Liz.
Speaker C: I know what you mean. Just the other day, my grandma sent a picture for me to cross stitch.
And it has a scripture verse that says, a friend loves at all times.
Speaker D: That's a verse we learned long ago.
Speaker C: I know, but I needed to be reminded of it. I forgot you for a while, Carrie, but I'm glad you're my friend.
Speaker D: Me too.
Speaker C: You know what? I just remembered a song my grandma used to sing, and I think it's about our friendship.
Speaker D: You're kidding. A song about us?
Speaker C: Well, sort of. It says, make new friends, but keep the old world. One is silver and the other gold. You're the gold, Carrie.
Speaker D: Oh, Liz.
Speaker C: I'm going to practice the scripture verse Grandma sent, too. I'm going to love my silver and gold friends at all times.
Speaker B: Boys and girls, are you the kind of friend who's considerate of both old and new friends? When you join a new group or are given a new responsibility, don't drop old friends. They need you and you need them. Be the kind of friend Jesus is to you. A friend who loves all the time.
Speaker A: There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus no, not one no, not one none else can heal all our souls in Jesus no, not one no, not one Jesus knows all about our struggles he will die till the day is done there's not a friend like the lowly Jesus no, not one no, not one no friend like him is so high and holy no, not one no, not one and yet no friend is so meek and lowly no, not one no, not one there's not an hour that he is not near us no, not one no, not one no night so dark but his love can cheer us no, not one no, not one Jesus knows all about our struggles he will die till the day is there's not a friend like the lowly Jesus do not want no God.
Speaker B: Proverbs chapter 18 has a lot to say about things we can do to hurt a friendship. Verse one talks about the fact that we shouldn't cut ourselves off from others, thinking only of ourselves. Verse 5 reminds us that we should not show partiality. In other words, we shouldn't favor one friend over another. Verse 8 contains good advice about not gossiping, talking about our friends behind their backs. Probably my favorite verse in chapter 18 is the last verse 24. There it tells that if we want to have a friend, we need to be a friend. It says that a person who wants friends must himself be friendly. Do you try to be a friend? One reason we want to have friends is so that we can share with them about our very best friend, Jesus Christ. Time's up for today's Storytime. Do keep in mind that Storytime is a listener supported production of CBH Ministries, PO Box 1001, Grand Rapids, MI 49508. We're here because God loves kids.