Forgotten Combination

Speaker A: Don't go away, kids.
Speaker B: It's story time.
Speaker C: Boys and girls, for Jesus. This our earnest prayer boys and girls, for Jesus home, at school, at playin everywhere we'll tell the world of life in Jesus he is all I saw there is I, unity Jesus, won't you come along?
Speaker D: Well, hi there. Come on in. I'm Uncle Charlie and this is children's Bible hour storytime. And we have an interesting story called the forgotten combination. But we're going to sing a little bit first. Hey, I know you know this first one. The b I B L E. Sing along.
Speaker B: The Bible.
Speaker C: Yes, that's the book for me.
Speaker B: I stand alone on the word of God. The Bible, the Bible.
Speaker C: I'll take it along with me.
Speaker B: I'll read and pray and then obey the I ble.
Speaker D: Now you know, it's one thing to have a Bible. It's another thing to open it and use it. And that's what this next song is all about. Open the Bible. Listen.
Speaker B: Open the Bible.
Speaker C: Let God speak to you. Listen to know what he wants you to do.
Speaker B: Smile at your neighbor be goddesse, be good and be kind open the Bible. God's love you will find open up your bible.
Speaker C: Read it carefully as you spread the gospel.
Speaker B: Do it prayerfully.
Speaker C: Give your all to Jesus in your.
Speaker B: Work and play and read your holy bible every day.
Speaker E: Well, now that we've had those good.
Speaker F: Songs about the Bible, let's have our good story.
Speaker E: Have you forgotten the name? Well, it's the forgotten combination.
Speaker G: Ask me again.
Speaker A: What did baby corn say to Mama? Corn?
Speaker G: I don't know. I guess he said, that's a corny joke.
Speaker A: No, he said, where's popcorn?
Speaker C: Ha.
Speaker G: I was right. It is a corny joke.
Speaker A: Answer this one. Why isn't your nose twelve inches long?
Speaker G: I know that one. Because then it would be a fort.
Speaker A: Here's one you don't know. There's a butcher who wears size ten shoes, size 34 pants and size 16 shirts. He's 5ft nine inches tall. What does he weigh?
Speaker G: What does he weigh? How should I know?
Speaker A: He weighs meat. He's a butcher. Got you that time. Here's another one that. Happy.
Speaker E: Time for bed, you two. Hey, Joey, do you remember today's Bible verse?
Speaker G: Sure. But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus.
Philippians 419.
Speaker E: Very good. Okay, Amber, it's your turn.
Speaker A: But.
But. But my God shall. Shall. My God shall. I say it again, Joey?
Speaker G: But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus. It's easy.
Speaker A: But my God shall supply all your need according to. According to his.
Speaker E: Amber. Amber. This is the fifth day in a row that you haven't memorized your Bible verse.
Speaker A: But I've got lots of other things to do. Like? Well, I have to learn the Gettysburg address.
Speaker E: Well, did you work on that today, then?
Speaker A: No, but I have other things to do, too, you know.
Speaker E: Well, I'm sure you do, but you don't have anything to do that's more important than Bible memorization. Why, you can probably learn a verse in. In less than five minutes.
Speaker G: I'm three years younger than you, Amber, and I learn one every day.
Speaker A: Oh, hush.
Speaker E: That's enough, Amber. Now, I'm disappointed that you haven't been learning the verses. And I expect you to do better tomorrow. Now, off to bed, both of you.
Speaker H: Amber.
Speaker A: Joey. Time to get up. School day.
Guess what, mom?
Speaker H: What?
Speaker A: We're gonna get our new lockers this morning. They have combination locks. May I have more juice?
Speaker H: You sure may. Here it is.
Speaker A: Thank you.
Speaker E: Well, now, I think we're all ready for our scripture reading for today.
Speaker D: Let's see.
Speaker E: Where are we here?
Luke 24, one through eight.
Now, upon the first day of the week.
And they remembered his words.
Speaker G: What words did they remember?
Speaker E: Well, before he was crucified, Jesus told them that he was going to rise from the dead.
Speaker D: But even though Jesus told them this.
Speaker E: Why, they just forgot all about it.
Speaker A: They sure could have saved themselves a lot of grief and worry if they had remembered. Why, they wouldn't have been nearly so upset about Jesus death if they had remembered he was going to rise on the third day.
Speaker H: You're right, Amber. But the disciples didn't realize the importance of remembering Jesus words.
Speaker G: I remember yesterday's bible verse. But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches and glory. By Christ, Jesus little show off. Well, do you remember it? It's important for us to remember God's word, too. Isn't it, Dan?
Speaker E: Yes, Joey, it is.
Speaker D: You remember when I was out of work last year?
Speaker I: Sure.
Speaker A: How could we forget?
Speaker E: Well, during that time, Philippians 419 kept me from worrying. I knew God was going to supply our needs.
Speaker A: And he did read the keys for kids story, Mother.
Speaker H: Okay.
Speaker G: Good story. What's the Bible verse?
Speaker A: Oh, brother, here we go again.
Speaker H: It's Colossians 316. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, in all wisdom.
Speaker G: That's easy.
Speaker A: It had better be. It's almost time for the bus. I've got to brush my teeth. I'll learn it tonight.
Speaker I: Aren't our new lockers neat, Amber?
Speaker A: I can't get mine open.
Speaker I: Here, let me see your combination.
Right to three, left. Two rounds to eight. Right to four. There you are, Amber.
Speaker A: Oh, thanks, Tanya. It looked simple when you did it. Show me again.
Speaker I: Right to three, left. Two rounds to eight. Right to four.
Speaker A: Now let me shut it and try.
Right to three, left, two rounds to eight, right to four.
I've got it. Thanks, Tanya.
Speaker I: You had better memorize that combination, Amber.
Speaker A: I don't need to. I'll just keep it written in my notebook. Well, I've gotta get home. Would you believe I don't have any homework tonight?
Speaker I: Lucky you. I'm still working on the Gettysburg address.
Speaker A: Oh, I'd forgotten about that. Well, I'll work on it this weekend. We have until next Monday. I'm going to enjoy one evening without homework. I've gotta run.
Why didn't Moses take ants into the ark, Joey?
Speaker G: He did. He took two of every animal.
Speaker A: No, he didn't. Moses didn't take anything into the ark. Noah did.
Speaker G: Oh, that was tricky.
Speaker A: What's the best vitamin for making friends?
Speaker G: Vitamin? Nobody takes vitamins to make friends.
Speaker A: The answer is b one. You know, b one vitamins. It means the best way to make friends is to be one.
Speaker H: Dinner's ready, children.
Speaker A: Wash your hands.
Could I have another bowl of stew, please, Mother?
Speaker H: Yes, you may.
Speaker G: Amber sure knows lots of jokes and riddles. She must remember every joke she ever heard or read.
Speaker A: I do. Here's one. What do you call a rabbit with fleas?
Speaker E: Mmm. Rabbit with fleas. Oh, I know. Uncomfortable?
Speaker A: No. You call him bugs bunny.
Speaker G: Bugs bunny. Very funny. Hey, I'm a poet, and I don't know it.
Speaker E: Oh, Amber. Amber, I wish you knew as many bible verses as you do riddles. Why is it so much easier to learn a riddle or a joke than it is to learn a bible verse?
Speaker A: I don't know. We got our new combination lockers today.
Speaker H: That's right. You mentioned it this morning. What's your combination?
Speaker A: I don't remember. I put it in my notebook. All I have to do is. All I have to do is look at my notebook, and my notebook is in my locker. What am I gonna do?
Speaker H: Oh, they should have the number in the office.
Speaker A: If I have to go to the office before school starts, I'll be late. Oh, why didn't I memorize it like Tanya said? Hey, maybe Tanya remembers it. I'm gonna call her right now.
Oh, she remembered it, and I've written it down. I'm going to memorize it, too. So it won't matter if I lose it or leave it at home.
Speaker E: That's a good idea. You know, Amber, the word of God is a combination which will unlock many doors for you in life. It's so important that you memorize it. Now, someday you'll need to know the combination for yourself.
Speaker A: I see what you mean. What was today's verse, Joey?
Speaker G: Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, in all wisdom. Colossians 316.
Speaker A: That's a good one for me. Maybe someday I'll have as many Bible verses in my head as I have riddles.
Speaker C: Hammers break and smash and pound great big rocks to bits of ground. God's word is a hammer to breaking up the sin in you.
Speaker B: I love the Bible I love the Bible I love the Bible.
Speaker C: It is the word of God.
After dark we take a light making daylight out of night. If we read God's word each day it will light us on our way.
Speaker B: I love the Bible I love the Bible I love the Bible.
Speaker C: It is the word of God.
As the fire burns warm and bright burning treasure right out of sight so God's word like fire we see will burn sin and trash in me.
Speaker B: I love the Bible I love the Bible I love the Bible.
Speaker C: It is the word of God.
Water washes dirt away from our hands and face each day Jesus blood will cleanse within all the spots and stains of sin.
Speaker B: I love the Bible I love the Bible I love the Bible.
Speaker C: It is the word of God.
Speaker F: Do you take time to read your Bible? If you're old enough to read, you're old enough to read the Bible. Oh, I know some parts of the Bible are hard to understand, even for adults, but how about reading a psalm each day or a chapter from the practical book of proverbs? By the way, there's 31 chapters in the Book of proverbs some month. Try reading a chapter a day for a month. And of course, getting you into the word of God is one of the reasons we publish keys for kids. If you've never seen our daily devotional, I'd love to send you a sample copy. All you have to do is write and ask for it. Ask for keys for kids and send that request to storytime, PO Box 1001, Grand Rapids, Michigan. 49508.
That's Storytime, PO Box 1001, Grand Rapids, Michigan. The zip is 49508. And when you write, if you have a problem you'd like to have some help with or a prayer request you'd like our staff to remember. Be sure to share that we're here to help in any way we can. And when you write, do keep in mind that Storytime is a listener supported production of CBH ministries. We're here because God loves kids. Goodbye now. Thanks so much for listening.