Daily Devotional for January 31, 2017
Your Best

Nina jingled the coins in her pocket. She liked the sound they made. She called it her Sunday song because she often jingled coins before Sunday school started each week. Nina earned her own money for offerings, but lately she hadn’t been able to find many jobs, so the amount she could give had become smaller and smaller.
Logan, the boy sitting next to her, saw her put the coins into the offering plate and snickered. “Is that all you have?” he asked loudly. “Why even bother?” Nina felt her face grow hot. She put her head down and didn’t answer.
When Nina got home, she told her mother what Logan had said. “I guess he was right,” she said with a sigh. “I think my offering was the smallest one anybody had today.”
Mom raised her eyebrows. “I think your first mistake was to compare your offering to what the other kids gave. We should never give just to impress others. Tell me—what does Jesus think about what you gave?” Nina shrugged.
Mom was quiet for a moment. “Nina, at your birthday party last month, your friends gave you presents. Were the gifts all the same, or were some smaller than others?”
“The gifts? They were all different, of course,” said Nina. “Why?”
“Well, are the kids who gave you the nicest presents the ones you like best now?” asked Mom.
Nina shook her head. “It doesn’t matter what they brought,” she said. “Izzy’s dad had been sick a long time, so she couldn’t spend much for a present, but who cares? It wouldn’t have mattered if she hadn’t brought anything at all. She’s my best friend!”
Mom smiled. “I know.”
“Before the party, Izzy said she didn’t know if she should even come,” said Nina. “She was afraid of what the other kids would think of her gift, but I told her—oh!” Nina suddenly stopped talking and smiled. “Now I know what Jesus thinks about my offering! He knows it was the best I could give, and He’s happy with it—just like I’m happy with Izzy’s present.” – Brenda K. Good
How about you?
Are you ever afraid that your best is not good enough? Remember that Jesus sees your heart. Your love for Him and desire to serve Him is what’s most important—whether it’s through giving money or serving in other ways. God knows your ability, and your best—not only in giving an offering, but in every part of your life—is what He wants.
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