Daily Devotional for September 16, 2018

Yo-Yo Joe

Keys for Kids - daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Keys for Kids – daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Yo-Yo Joe

Today's Verse

Colossians 3:16-17, 23-24 in KJV, NKJV, NIV, ERV

Bible version changes do not affect the Key audio or "Today's Key Verse," below.

“What should I do for the youth group talent night, Mom?” Joe asked as he put on his coat. “I have to let them know tonight. Lots of kids are singing or playing instruments or doing skits, but I can’t do any of those things. All I know how to do is yo-yo tricks. Do you think that’s okay?”

“Sure. I don’t know anyone who can do yo-yo tricks as well as you can,” said Mom.

“Maybe not, but last week our leader made a big deal about using our talents for the Lord,” said Joe. “How can you use a yo-yo for the Lord?”

Mom smiled. “When you know Jesus, everything you do can be used to honor Him. We honor God by using our gifts—no matter what they are—with an attitude of love for Him and others. I think doing yo-yo tricks for the talent night is a great idea. Maybe God will show you some other ways you can use your yo-yo for Him too.”

So Joe did his yo-yo tricks at the talent night a few weeks later, and everyone clapped loudly.

After the performance, Joe was waiting in the lobby for Mom when Pastor Schaeffer walked up with a woman and her small son. “Joe,” he said, “would you mind watching Weston for a few minutes while I talk to his mom?”

Joe looked at the little boy. He didn’t know much about taking care of preschoolers, but then he remembered his yo-yo. So for several minutes, Joe entertained Weston with his tricks.

“Thank you so much,” said Weston’s mother as she came out of the pastor’s office and helped Weston put on his coat. “I don’t remember the last time he was quiet for so long.”

After the others had left, Pastor Schaeffer smiled at Joe. “I want to thank you too,” he said. “Mrs. Peters—Weston’s mom—just put her trust in Jesus. You were part of what God did tonight, Joe, because you were watching Weston.”

Joe smiled. Thank You, Lord, he prayed silently. Thank You for using my yo-yo to help someone come to know You.

When Joe told his mom about it later that night, she smiled too. “See, Joe? God can use anything we do to bring others to Him.” – Lenora McWhorten

How about you?

How can you use the abilities God has given you to serve Him? Maybe you can bake cookies for an elderly neighbor or organize a game day for kids in your neighborhood. Think about the gifts God has given you and ask Him to show you everyday ways you can use those gifts to point others to Jesus and show them His love.

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