Daily Devotional for June 28, 2018

Jay dropped his books on the table and went down the hall to the utility room. “How was your day?” Mom asked as she looked up from a shirt she was ironing.
“Terrible!” said Jay. “I failed a math test and have to take it over again. Then I found out my favorite teacher is moving away. And then I accidentally knocked down the principal’s daughter!”
“Knocked her down? How did that happen?”
“I came around a corner really fast and ran right into her,” Jay said. “I apologized, but she’s probably still mad.”
“I’m sure she knows you didn’t do it on purpose,” Mom said.
“I doubt it. She probably told all her friends what a loser I am.” Jay looked at the shirt Mom was ironing. “That’s my baseball uniform shirt, isn’t it?”
“That’s right,” said Mom. The doorbell rang, and she handed him the partially ironed shirt. “Here. Why don’t you finish ironing it while I answer the door?”
When Mom returned, Jay had just finished pressing the shirt. He held it up. “Look at this,” he said. “It’s wrinkle-free!”
Mom nodded. “The heat and pressure of the iron took the wrinkles right out.” She turned off the iron and unplugged it. “Sometimes that’s how God gets the wrinkles out of us too.”
“Wrinkles?” Jay rubbed his forehead. “I don’t have wrinkles yet.”
Mom laughed. “I’m thinking of wrinkles in the way we act and think—things like impatience, anger, and self-pity, just to name a few. God sometimes uses the heat and pressure of trouble or difficulties in our lives to iron them out.”
“So you think God is using the stuff that happened to me today to make me more patient and not feel sorry for myself so I can be wrinkle-free?”
“Well, we’ll never be wrinkle-free until we get to heaven—we’ll always have things we struggle with. But He does use the things that happen in our lives—even things we don’t like—to help us grow and make us more like Jesus. And He’ll help us along the way.”
Jay picked up his shirt. “I guess I’d better go study for that math test, huh?”
“Yes,” Mom said. “At least you’re getting another chance to iron that out!” – Barabara Westberg
How about you?
Do you ever feel under pressure by what’s going on in your life? God sometimes uses difficult circumstances to press the wrinkles out of us. It may be uncomfortable for a while, but He’s doing it to make us more like Jesus. Be patient as He teaches you to trust Him and show His love to others. He promises to be with you as He irons the wrinkles out of your life.
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