Daily Devotional for April 25, 2023
Worth It All

“Ick!” Henry coughed as a ball of dust landed on his face. Just a little longer and all this work would be worthwhile. He gave the shelf one last wipe with the cloth and went in search of Mrs. Heathson. “All done!” he said.
“The house looks like new!” said Mrs. Heathson. She handed Henry two twenty-dollar bills. “What are you going to do with all that money?” she asked.
Henry grinned. “I finally have enough money for the new bike I want!” He stuffed the forty dollars into the pocket of his jeans. “I’ve been working and selling stuff to save up money. I sold some of my video games to my friend Lee, and my car racing set to Lee’s brother.”
“Won’t you miss your old things?” asked Mrs. Heathson.
“Nope!” said Henry. “That bike is worth more to me than video games or toy cars.”
Back home, Henry found his older sister Jane reading her Bible in the living room. “I thought you were going to watch that new movie you wanted to see,” said Henry.
Jane shrugged. “I was going to, but then I realized I hadn’t read my Bible yet today.”
“But you really wanted to see that movie!” said Henry.
“Yeah,” said Jane. “But I can watch it later. I decided spending time with Jesus was more important.”
“You just made me realize something.” Henry sat down on the couch. “God is like a bike!”
Jane looked lost. “How in the world is God like a bike?”
“Well, I’ve been selling my toys and games—and getting choked by dust balls—so I can get that new bike I’ve been wanting.”
“Okay…” Jane still didn’t understand.
“That new bike is worth so much to me that I’m willing to give up my toys and games and Saturday afternoons to get it. God’s like that too. Worth more than anything else. It’s like giving up the movie you wanted to see to spend time with Jesus.”
Jane laughed. “You’re right. Jesus is worth more than anything—but the gift of eternal life He offers us is free! Nothing this world has to offer compares to eternal life with Jesus.” Jane smiled at her brother. “That’s why I feel it’s so important to spend time with Jesus—so He can remind me of that every day.”
-Roxanne Elliott
How about you?
Is there something you want so much you’re willing to give up anything to get it? Today’s Bible reading says Jesus is like that. Knowing Him and being part of His eternal kingdom is worth more than anything in the whole world. The good news is He offers it to you for free! His gift of eternal life costs you nothing. And the more you get to know Him, the more you’ll see His worth.
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