Daily Devotional for March 30, 2019
Words That Matter

Mack’s face burned in the blue-white glare of his tablet. He watched Alex pretend to hobble after a soccer ball, bent arm flapping like a wounded bird’s wing. He had his right ankle turned in, just like Mack’s. Three more “thumbs up” popped up on the screen as his classmate purposely missed the ball. He tumbled head over heels, landing on his back. The laughter in the background was deafening. “That’s so Mack!”
Another said, “Remember him trying to play baseball? That was funny!”
Mack closed the video. He felt as hollow as the chocolate bunny his mom put in his Easter basket every year. Only the hollow feeling wasn’t empty. It hurt. A lot.
His eyes blurred. Maybe he’d make his own video. He’d tell everyone how lonely he was. How he wanted to be part of the laughter, not the reason for it. Maybe when they saw it, they’d understand. All he wanted was to fit in.
Someone tapped on his door. He didn’t answer, but it opened anyway.
“Hey, bud.” His big brother Nate came in and squeezed his shoulder. “I’m gonna go shoot some hoops with the guys. You should come.”
“Why? So you can laugh at me like everyone else? That’s all I’m good for.”
“That’s not true.” Nate turned Mack’s chair around. “You know, Jesus met all kinds of people when he was on earth. A lot of them were ignored or treated badly by others. Was that how Jesus treated them?”
“No. Jesus loved them just as much as He loved everyone else—enough to die on a cross for their sins while people pointed at Him and laughed.” Nate tapped the Bible on Mack’s desk. “This defines who you are—what Jesus thinks about you. Not what those kids say. Right?”
Mack nodded.
“What they’re doing isn’t funny. It’s bullying, and it’s wrong.” Nate stood up and grabbed Mack’s red jacket off the floor. “I showed Mom the video. She’s calling Alex’s parents.”
He tossed the hoodie. Mack caught it before it hit his chest.
“See?” Nate smiled. “Those guys don’t know what they’re talking about. Now, come hang out with the real cool kids.”
How about you?
Have you been hurt by someone else’s words? Mean words can leave you feeling hollow and wounded, but they don’t define who you are. Jesus was willing to be mocked, beaten, and killed so you could have eternal life with Him. When others hurt you with their words, remember how much He loves you and how valuable you are to Him.
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