Daily Devotional for February 28, 2021
Words and Actions

“Mom! Come see what I found!” Alejandro led his mother outside and pointed to a large box next to the barn.
Mom looked inside. “Three puppies!” she exclaimed.
“Yeah. They were there when I came out to feed the chickens. Can we keep them?” Alejandro frowned. “Do you think they’ve been without their mother very long?”
“Not too long, but they’ll need to be fed soon,” Mom said, petting a fuzzy black puppy. “I’ll warm a little milk and we’ll see if they’ll take it. And no, we can’t keep them—at least not all of them—but we’ll do our best to find homes for them.”
After the puppies had been fed, Alejandro carefully placed the box in the garage and then went back to the kitchen. “I love dogs,” he told his mother. “I’m glad you do too.” Alejandro grinned. “I like all animals.”
“I know you do,” said Mom. “Your actions show it.” She smiled. “It reminds me of the sermon we heard at church last week. It was from the book of James, which says our faith is seen by our actions. When we trust in Jesus and our hearts have been changed by Him, we show our faith by the things we do.”
“What kind of things?” Alejandro asked.
“Well,” said Mom, “we care about others and show them kindness. And we follow God’s leading in our lives instead of doing things our own way.”
Just then Mom and Alejandro heard Dad’s car door slam shut. “Strange,” Dad said when he came in a minute later. “I thought I heard a squeaking sound out in the garage. I’d better go check it out.”
Alejandro jumped up. “Follow me, Dad. I’ll explain everything.” Alejandro led the way out to the garage.
Mom smiled when she heard Alejandro talking as he and Dad returned. “So, I say I love animals, and Mom says I show it by what I do—by the way I treat them,” Alejandro said. “And I say I have faith in Jesus, and I show that by what I do too.” He grinned up at his dad. “I guess it’s like our actions show that what we say is true. They should tell people that we love Jesus.” • Jeanne K. Grieser
How about you?
What is something you really, really like? Animals? A particular sport? A hobby? Whatever it is, your friends probably know you like it because you like to talk about it and you also do things that show you enjoy it. Your faith in Jesus is like that too—others can tell you love Him through both your words and your actions. Your deeds show that you have faith in Jesus.
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