Daily Devotional for February 10, 2022
Word of Mouth

“How did your appointment go?” Dad asked as Lyla bounded into the kitchen when she and her mom returned from the dentist.
“Good,” Lyla replied. “No cavities!”
“Great,” said Dad. He cut into a loaf of sourdough bread. “I was just about to have some of the bread I made this morning. Care to join me?”
“Yum! My favorite.” Lyla took a slice of bread and poured a glass of milk. “I saw two kids from my school at the dentist’s office.”
Mom nodded as she hung up her coat. “Dr. Cranston seems to be pretty busy.”
“Dad, what does ‘word of mouth’ mean?” Lyla asked.
“It means to communicate by talking,” said Dad. “Why?”
“The receptionist thanked one of their patients for referring a friend to Dr. Cranston,” Lyla said. “Then she said something like, ‘We appreciate getting new patients by word of mouth.’”
“Well, the patient must have told someone else that Dr. Cranston is a good dentist,” said Dad. “Satisfied customers are great advertisements. Word of mouth is an effective way to increase business because people trust those they have relationships with and value their experiences and opinions.”
“I’ll advertise for Dr. Cranston by word of mouth too,” Lyla said. “I’ll tell my friends he’s a good dentist.”
“I’m sure he’ll appreciate that,” Dad said with a smile. “You can use word of mouth in other ways too. In fact, it’s something we all do every day.”
“You mean because we tell other people about stuff we like?” asked Lyla.
“Right,” said Dad. “We share our good experiences with others. And the most important thing we can share is what Jesus has done for us.”
“By word of mouth, right?” Lyla said. “We should tell people about Him.”
“Yes, and also reflect His love in the way we live. Our attitudes and actions should show that Jesus has changed our hearts. They should encourage others to want to know Him too,” Dad said as he buttered a slice of bread. “But you’re right. We should talk about Him. We should tell people how loving and good Jesus is and that they can know Him too.”
Lyla nodded as she bit into a piece of bread. “Because nothing is more satisfying than knowing Jesus!”
-Shannon M. Huber
How about you?
Do you know Jesus as your Savior? Has He saved you from sin and changed your heart? Then don’t keep it to yourself—share your story with others! Spread the good news of what Jesus did for you by word-of-mouth so others can know Him too. Share the satisfaction and joy He’s given you through your words and in the way you live your life.
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