Daily Devotional for November 21, 2018
Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

The screen door slammed behind Caleb as he bounded down the steps of his house. Humming, he headed toward the barn to feed the chickens.
Buck buck buck buck-AHHHH! squawked Omelet, Benedict, Scrambled, and Dippy as they raced around the corner of the barn. Omelet nibbled at Caleb’s fingers. “I’m not your supper, you crazy bird!” he said with a laugh.
Mom was turning the TV volume up when Caleb returned to the house. A news correspondent was reporting on a hurricane in another part of the country while wind and rain whipped around him.
“I’m standing on what used to be one of the main roads here,” he shouted above the blustery weather. “Now the road has turned into a river. Behind me, you can see families leaving all they own behind to get to safety. Flooding is expected to get worse before it gets better.”
That night, Caleb could hardly sleep. He kept thinking of all the kids he saw on TV who had to leave their homes and everything they had.
During family devotions the next morning, Dad read from the book of Mark.
“What does ‘love your neighbor as yourself’ mean?” Caleb asked his parents.
Mom thought for a minute. “It means we should help those in need, even if they don’t live next door,” she explained. “Doing that reveals what’s in our hearts and shows others the love Jesus has shown us. It also reminds us that God owns everything and wants us to use what He’s given us to help others.”
“How can I do that?” Caleb asked.
“The best thing you can do is pray,” Dad said. “You can also share things like your allowance or your time.”
Caleb thought about that. Then he thought about his chickens.
“Can I use the money I’m making from selling eggs to help the kids in the hurricane?”
Mom smiled. “I think that’s a great idea.”
The late afternoon sun washed over Caleb as he collected eggs later that day. He lifted his head toward the sky and closed his eyes, basking in the warmth. Please, Lord, he prayed, help the kids who have lost everything in the hurricane. And help me use the money from these eggs to show them Your love. – Kelly Hope
How about you?
Do you know someone who needs help from a neighbor? In the Bible, a neighbor isn’t necessarily someone who lives on the same street as you—or even in the same country. It’s a person Jesus loves, and that’s everyone! You can help a neighbor in need by donating money, volunteering your time, or inviting someone to play with you. How else can you show God’s love to your neighbors?
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