Daily Devotional for January 5, 2018
Wonderfully Made

Karl and Rhett watched as Dad assembled a miniature model of the human body they had gotten for their homeschool biology class.
“I’m amazed at God’s creation,” Dad said. “Did you know that the human heart, which is only about as big as a clenched fist, pumps over 4,000 gallons of blood a day?”
“I heard that in our class videos,” said Rhett. “We learned about eyes too. They’re set in holes, or sockets, and they’re protected by seven interlocking bones.”
“And our eyelashes and eyebrows keep out dust and sweat,” said Karl, “and each time we blink, a special fluid washes our eyes.”
Dad grinned. “Right! And have you noticed that the palms of your hands are sort of skidproof so you can get a grip on things? And think about your fingers and all they can do. You use them to write, paint, hammer a nail, play the piano—”
“Catch a football,” added Karl.
Dad nodded. “Just like the Bible says, we’re fearfully and wonderfully made. God created the human body to do amazing things. His great handiwork is nothing to laugh about, is it?”
“Laugh about?” asked Rhett. “What do you mean?”
“Well, sometimes I hear people say things that aren’t respectful about the human body,” said Dad. “They make jokes about things God designed it to do, and sometimes they even mock others whose bodies look different from theirs.”
Rhett nodded. “Sometimes my friends send me things that make fun of stuff like that—or even specific people.”
“That’s not how God wants us to treat the bodies—or people—He created,” said Dad. “He loves us so much He sent Jesus to die for us. When we trust in Him, He gives us new hearts, but He’s also going to give us new bodies one day too. Bodies that will be free from sin, sickness, and death.”
“Wow,” said Karl. “That sounds amazing!”
Dad nodded. “It is amazing. That’s why we need to treat the bodies we have—and that everyone else has—with respect. They remind us how much God loves us and all He’s done for us—and what He promises to do for us in the future.” – Agnes Livezey
How about you?
Are you ever tempted to make fun of the amazing bodies God created? Maybe you’ve made inappropriate jokes about them or looked at pictures or videos that are disrespectful. Perhaps you’ve even mocked someone for the way their body looks. Ask Jesus to forgive you for the times you didn’t treat people He loves and their bodies with respect. Remember that our bodies are meant to remind us of His amazing love.
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