Daily Devotional for July 21, 2018
With Love

“Kamryn, let me help you with that.” Alexis reached for a pile of laundry that needed to be folded. “It will earn me points for my youth group contest. I want to get the most points so I can win!” One of the ways kids in the youth group could earn points was by helping the members of their family.
Kamryn frowned and batted her sister’s hands away. “I’m not signing any paper saying you helped me with anything. Just leave me and my things alone!”
The rest of Alexis’ family were delighted with her behavior. They could hardly believe how helpful she had suddenly become—she did dishes, made beds, offered to help with her brother’s homework, babysat, and even carried out the trash! Kamryn was the only one who refused her help.
Alexis did well in the contest, but she didn’t win. Yet to everyone’s surprise, her helpful ways continued.
One day, Kamryn asked Alexis to help her fold the laundry. Alexis was puzzled. “Why do you let me do things for you now?” she asked. “When we were having the contest, you wouldn’t let me do anything for you.”
“Well, now you really want to help me,” Kamryn replied. “Before, you just did it for points.”
Alexis thought about that. “I guess that’s true. I wanted to win the prize for getting the most points.”
“Why do you want to help now?” Kamryn asked.
“Well, on the day the contest ended, Miss Wilson talked about a Bible passage that says no matter how much good we do, if we don’t have love in our hearts, our good deeds are worthless in God’s sight. She said that’s why she came up with the contest in the first place—to show how people often think they’re earning points with God when they do good things, but if they don’t have the love of Jesus in their hearts, their good deeds mean nothing. She said we need to trust in Jesus and depend on Him to help us do things for others out of love, and I realized she was right.” Alexis grinned at her sister. “I’m glad you can tell the difference.”
“I can.” Kamryn laughed. “But now I’m sorry I didn’t help you win the contest!” – Agnes Livezey
How about you?
Do you do nice things for other people? Why? Is it so you’ll win points with them and make them like you? Or do you think doing good deeds wins points with God? He says that all the good things you do mean nothing if they’re not done out of genuine love—the kind of love Jesus has for you. Trust Jesus to let His love fill your heart and overflow to others. They can tell the difference!
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