Daily Devotional for June 23, 2023
Wisdom Truck

“Whew! It’s so hot!” Jaden wiped a hand across his forehead and turned to his little brother. “I hate picking green beans, don’t you?”
“Yeah,” said Malachi. “You almost have to stand on your head to find some of them.” He waved his arms wildly around his head. “And when you have a pesky deer fly buzzing around you, it’s even worse.”
“Those deer flies love sweaty people,” said Jaden.
“Hey, boys!” their grandfather, who was picking tomatoes, called to them. “Listen!”
The boys paused from their work and then suddenly cheered up. “It’s the ice cream truck!” they squealed, running and jumping over rows of carrots and onions to reach Grandpa. “Can we get something?”
Grandpa pulled out his wallet and handed them some money. “Here you go, you poor, hungry workers. Get what you want, and get me a fudge bar.”
When the boys came back to the garden, they all sat down under a nearby tree to enjoy their treats. “You know,” Grandpa said as he unwrapped his fudge bar, “hearing the musical call of that ice cream truck reminds me of a verse I read in Proverbs this morning that says, ‘Wisdom calls out in the street.’”
“Like a wisdom truck?” asked Malachi. “I don’t think as many kids would come running when they heard that.”
Grandpa chuckled. “Maybe not, but that verse is saying we should all go running after wisdom.”
“How do we do that?” asked Jaden. “By going to school?”
“Wisdom is more than just knowledge,” said Grandpa. “It involves humbling our hearts before God. Another verse in Proverbs says, ‘The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.’ Who do you think ‘the Holy One’ is?”
“I know,” said Malachi. “Jesus!”
Grandpa nodded. “And where do we learn about Jesus?”
“The Bible!” the boys answered together.
“That’s right,” said Grandpa. “The Bible shows us our need for Jesus and tells us how we can be saved by trusting in Him. As we read it and get to know God better, He helps us grow in wisdom.” Grandpa took a bite of his fudge bar. “And unlike this ice cream, wisdom won’t ever melt away!”
-Sara L. Nelson
How about you?
Are you running after wisdom? It’s better than ice cream on a hot day. It’s more important than anything you study in school. Wisdom begins with understanding your need for Jesus and trusting Him as your Savior. (To learn more, click the “good News!” button in the right column of this page.) Then keep learning more about Him from His Word, the Bible. As you grow in your knowledge of Jesus, you will grow in wisdom too.
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