Daily Devotional for May 19, 2020

Wings for Jesus

Keys for Kids - daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Keys for Kids – daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Wings for Jesus

Today's Verse

ROMANS 12:9-18; 1 PETER 4:8-11 in KJV, NKJV, NIV, ERV

Bible version changes do not affect the Key audio or "Today's Key Verse," below.

Devastation from the storm that had ripped through days before was everywhere Kya looked. She wiped a tear from her dirt-stained cheek as she stepped over the debris of yet another house that had been destroyed in the storm. The people on the tiny, remote island where Kya and her family lived never could have prepared themselves for this. At least her family survived—some of her friends’ family members had not been so lucky.

When Kya reached the crude homemade shelter where her family had been staying since their home was destroyed, she was surprised to hear her parents talking to one another with excitement. “Mama, what’s going on?” Kya wrapped her arms around her mother’s waist.

“Kya, our prayers have been answered!” Her mother’s eyes shone with hope. “There’s a plane coming with supplies!”

“Food, water, soap—everything we need!” her father added with a wide smile. “Be watching the skies, Kya! It will arrive sometime today!”

Kya climbed her favorite hill and sat with her bare feet in the grass, shielding her eyes from the sun’s rays. As the day wore on, the sound of the waves and warmth of the sun lulled her to sleep. It seemed like only minutes had passed when she heard a loud whirring noise. Kya looked up to see the wings of a plane, dark against the backdrop of the bright afternoon sky. She raced down the hill as fast as her feet would carry her.

Breaking through the tall grasses that surrounded the perimeter of the island’s dusty aircraft landing field, Kya saw the plane door open and boxes stacked on the ground. Her parents and other people in her community were joyously rifling through the contents of the boxes. Children were drinking fresh water and cramming as much food into their mouths as they could fit.

Kya skipped over to the pilot and looked up into his sparkling eyes. “Thank you for coming to us on your wings,” she said softly.

“You’re welcome, little lady! Jesus gave me these wings, and He wanted me to fly for Him. It’s one way I show others His love and how He came to save us. Would you like to hear more about Him?” SAVANNAH COLEMAN

How about you?

How can you serve those in need? God can use you to meet the needs of people in your community and overseas. There are organizations like the one that helped Kya and her family who share the good news of Jesus while providing for people’s needs. Ask God how you can use your time, talents, and the resources He has blessed you with to help others in need and tell them about His love.

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