Daily Devotional for February 25, 2023
Windy Day Lesson

Tina and Amy were lying on their backs on a big checkered tablecloth that Tina’s mother had put on the grass for them. They had just finished their peanut butter sandwiches.
“Look at that cloud,” said Amy, pointing up at the blue sky. “It looks just like a big bird flying backwards.”
Tina laughed. “And look at that one,” she said, pointing to another cloud. “It looks like a giant watermelon with a hat.”
It was windy though, and the clouds quickly drifted across the sky and were gone.
“It sure is windy today,” said Amy, brushing her shiny brown hair out of her eyes. “It’s made me think of something we learned in Sunday school last week.”
“What’s that?” asked Tina.
“Mrs. Hirsh talked to us about the Holy Spirit. He is like the wind. We can’t see Him, but He is here. When Jesus went back to heaven, God sent us the Holy Spirit so He would be with those who trust in Him.”
“I know about Jesus,” said Tina. “But tell me about the Holy Spirit.”
“Well, it’s not easy to understand,” said Amy, “but God is a triune God. That means God is three Persons, but one God—God the Father, God the Son, who is Jesus, and God the Holy Spirit. Three in one.”
“Does the Holy Spirit help us like Jesus would?”
“Yes,” said Amy. “Mrs. Hirsh said He guides us and teaches us. And He is a comforter too. He helps us when we go through hard things or when we’re sad.”
“That’s nice to know,” said Tina.
“And He helps us have fruit in our lives too,” said Amy.
“Fruit?” Tina looked surprised. “What do you mean?”
“Not like the fruit we eat,” said Amy. “Spiritual fruit. Mrs. Hirsh said the fruit He produces in our lives are things like faith and love and gentleness that show others we belong to Jesus.”
“That’s sounds like good fruit,” said Tina. “Wow, I learned a lot today on our tablecloth!” She looked up again and pointed to the clouds. “Oh, look—a plump caterpillar with a balloon chasing it!” They both laughed.
-Sharon Roberts
How about you?
What kind of fruit is being produced in your life? Just like bananas and apples are good for your body, the fruit of the Spirit shows God’s goodness in your heart and mind. The Holy Spirit helps produce things like kindness, gentleness, and love in you so others can see the good work He’s doing in your life. Trust Him to grow His good fruit and make you more like Jesus.
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