Daily Devotional for August 18, 2022

Every afternoon, Molly and her mom would go for a walk on their farm. Molly loved picking the wildflowers that grew along the path as she and Mom talked about their day.
“Look at this pretty flower, Mom,” Molly said one day as she picked a beautiful pink flower with an orange center.
“It’s beautiful,” Mom said.
By the time they finished their walk, Molly had a whole bouquet of wildflowers picked. When they got back to the house, Mom put the flowers in a vase and set it on the kitchen table for everyone to enjoy.
Later that night, Molly overheard her parents talking about their crops. From what Molly could understand, the crops weren’t doing so well.
“I don’t think we’re going to make as much profit as we’d hoped for this season,” Dad said.
“Well, we’ll just have to budget accordingly,” Mom replied.
As Mom tucked Molly into bed that night, she could tell Molly was worried. “What’s bothering you?” Mom asked.
“Are we going to have enough money for everything we need?” Molly asked, almost crying.
Mom took Molly’s Bible off the dresser. “Did you know that God provides flowers with what they need?” she asked. Molly shook her head, and Mom turned to the book of Matthew and began to read. “And why worry about your clothing? Look at the lilies of the field and how they grow. They don’t work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are.” Mom closed the Bible. “You see, Molly, God doesn’t want us to worry, because He already knows what we need. Jesus has provided us with forgiveness from sin and eternal life, and He promises to take care of us. That doesn’t mean we’ll get everything we want, but if God cares about those wildflowers you picked today, He most definitely cares about us and knows what we need. We just have to trust Him. Let’s pray and turn all our worries over to Jesus so we can feel His peace.”
The next afternoon, as Molly picked a bouquet of wildflowers, she danced along and sang, “God cares for the wildflowers, and God cares for me.”
-Lisa Fuller
How about you?
Do you often find yourself worrying? The Bible tells us to trust God to take care of all our needs. If He feeds the birds and clothes the flowers, think of how much He cares for you! Don’t let yourself be overwhelmed with worries when difficult things happen. Instead, give your worries to Jesus, who gives you salvation and eternal life. Let Him take care of everything.
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