Daily Devotional for February 24, 2018
Why We’re Here

“Hey, Caleb!” Joe shouted when they got off the bus. “I almost forgot! Tomorrow, I’m going to Planet Pizza, and I was wondering if you—”
“I’d love to go!” Caleb started running toward his house before Joe could finish his sentence. “I’ll ask my mom!”
That night, Caleb asked his mom about going to Pizza Planet with Joe. “Of course you can go,” said Mom. “I just spoke with Joe’s dad, and I’m glad you want to help.”
Help? thought Caleb. I’ll always help eat pizza!
The next day, a long line of people waited outside Planet Pizza. “Whoa!” said Caleb. “I hope we get a table. I’m starving!”
Joe gave Caleb a funny look. “Not like they are,” he said. “Follow me.”
They walked to the front of the line. “Hi, Joe!” said the man at the door. “Who’s your friend?”
“Hey, Pastor Sean. This is Caleb. He came to help serve lunch.”
“Help serve?” Caleb was confused. “I thought we came to eat!”
“We will, after everyone else is served first. Our church is buying pizza and passing it out as part of our food drive this month. It’s why we’re here!”
“You mean we don’t get to eat until we’re done serving everyone else?”
Joe smiled and handed Caleb a pair of gloves. “I think you’ll make it.”
Soon Pastor Sean let in the line of people, and Caleb and Joe helped serve one slice of pizza to every person who came in.
“My name’s Tommy,” one boy said quietly. “I’ve never had pizza here before. Is it good?”
“Good?” exclaimed Caleb. “It’s the best! Here, sausage is my favorite.”
After everyone was served, Pastor Sean prayed for the meal. “Dear God, thank you for this pizza and every person here, and thank you for sending Your Son to be our Savior. Help us all see the ways we can serve those around us and show others His love. Amen.”
Caleb lifted his head just as Tommy took his first bite. “This pizza is the best!” he said.
Caleb smiled and slid his own piece of pizza across the table. “Here, Tommy. You can have mine too.”
“Really?” asked Tommy.
“Really,” said Caleb. “It’s why I’m here.” – Kelly Carlson
How about you?
Do you serve others? Or do you always put your own needs before everyone else’s? Even though He is the Creator of the universe, Jesus came to earth to serve and give His life for us. Ask Him to help you see the ways you can serve others and show them His love.
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