Daily Devotional for May 23, 2022
Why Can’t I?

“But, Dad, why can’t I?” asked Ella when her dad insisted she turn off a TV show she wanted to watch.
Her brother Jonah looked up. “Yeah. I heard that’s a good show.”
“I don’t think it’s a good thing for either of you to watch,” said Dad.
Ella collapsed on the couch. “It’s not fair! All the rules we have just make my life completely unbearable!” She had a tendency to be a bit dramatic.
As the kids and their dad ran some errands the next day, they drove past their church. “Look!” Jonah pointed to small trees that had just been added along the edge of the property. “Dad, why did they tie those little trees down like that?”
Ella giggled. “Do they think they might try to run away?”
“Remember when we visited Nana and Papa last summer and took a walk through the woods behind their house?” Dad asked.
“Sure. Jonah and I both beat you when we raced to that crooked tree near the stream!” said Ella.
“That’s okay, Dad. Everybody gets a little slow in their old age,” Jonah teased.
Dad laughed. “Well, one of you mentioned that the tree was crooked and leaning over a lot.”
“I named it the Snake Tree,” Jonah said.
“It was probably damaged in a storm years ago when it was about the size of those new trees at the church,” Dad said. “The grounds keepers at church staked those young trees to hold them in place and help them grow straight and tall in spite of storms and winds.” He grinned at the kids. “That’s kind of like what parents do.”
“You mean…” Ella hesitated. “Like you giving us rules to follow and being careful about what we watch?”
Dad nodded. “The Bible tells parents to bring up their children in the training and instruction of the Lord. It’s my job to love you and help you grow in a way that reflects how Jesus loves you and helps you grow—and that means doing what I think is best for you and disciplining you when you do wrong. I want to help you grow strong in your faith in Him.”
Ella sighed. “I know. And even though I don’t always like your rules, I’ll obey them, because the Bible tells children to honor and obey their parents!”
-Mike A. Dize
How about you?
Do you appreciate your parents? You may not like their rules or enjoy being disciplined when you break them, but remember that God put them in your life because He loves you. Their job is to point you to Jesus and help you grow strong in Him. Thank God for them, and obey your heavenly Father’s command to honor and obey your parents.
Today's Verse
Children, obey your parents in all things, for this is well pleasing to the Lord. (NKJV) Colossians 3:20 NKJV
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