Daily Devotional for August 6, 2024

“Leila, don’t touch that,” Grandma said softly.
Dylan watched as his grandma caught his baby sister’s hand before she could reach the pan of cookies that had just come out of the oven. “Why?” Leila asked.
“Because you might get burned,” Grandma said.
“Why?” Leila asked again.
Grandma smiled. “Because the pan is hot.”
Dylan rolled his eyes. “This is what she does, Grandma. She goes on and on like that all day long.”
“You did too, at her age.” Grandma scooped Leila up and carried her to the living room.
Dylan noticed Grandma’s phone on the counter and checked the screen. Still no update from Dad. He joined his grandma and sister in the living room, not wanting to be alone. “Grandma, why does God let Mom get sick over and over again?” he asked. “Dad just took her to the emergency room last week, and now they’re there again.”
Grandma squeezed his shoulder. “I know it’s hard, Dylan. I’m worried too.”
“But why is it happening, Grandma? And why can’t they just figure out what’s going on so we don’t have to be scared?”
His grandma smiled. “You’re starting to sound like Leila.”
Dylan swallowed. “Sometimes I just don’t know why God acts the way He does.”
“It’s okay to question God and wonder why He’s working the way that He is,” Grandma said. “In the Psalms, we read of others who did that. They knew that even though they might not get the exact answers they wanted, God would listen to their questions. Even Jesus, right before He died on the cross, asked God, ‘Why?’ He understands what it’s like to go through hard things and not have all the answers.”
“So God’s not mad when I ask all of the why questions?”
“Not at all,” Grandma said. “He’s patient with you, like we try to be patient with your sister.”
“I just want Mom to be healthy again,” Dylan said. “More than wanting to know why, I want her to get better.”
“I know,” Grandma said. “We all want that. Remember that God cares about her more than anyone—He sent His own Son to die for her. Whatever happens, we can trust Him to listen and be with us.”
–Emily Acker
How about you?
Do you ever wonder why God lets bad things happen? Have you tried asking Him why? Or are you worried He might get upset if you ask Him difficult questions? He loves you deeply, even when you struggle to believe He is good. He understands your feelings and welcomes your questions. Trust that He listens to you and cares for you.
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