Daily Devotional for July 2, 2017
Who’s in Charge Here?

Gavin sat with Dad watching the evening news. When it was over, Dad switched it off and turned to Gavin. “What do you think of all that?”
Gavin had grown very quiet. Most of what was happening he didn’t understand, but there were lots of people protesting with signs and arguing about things that were happening in the government. “Why are people so angry, Dad?”
“They’re scared. A lot of things are changing, and it makes them fearful.”
Gavin thought about that. “Are you scared?” he asked.
Dad smiled and reached for the Bible on the coffee table. “No, Gavin. God tells us in His Word that He is the one who chooses the people in authority over us. Everyone who fills a position of authority is put there by Him.”
“Everywhere in the world?” asked Gavin.
Dad nodded. “We’re fortunate to live in a place where the government is designed to help its people, even though it’s not perfect and its leaders don’t always do things we like. But even in places where governments oppress their people instead of doing what’s best for them, the leaders only have authority because it was given to them by God. We may not understand why He allows them to do what they do, but we can trust that He put them there for a reason and is working everything out for His glory.”
“So God chooses all of the people in charge?” Gavin asked.
“Yep!” said Dad. “For you, that’s me and your mom and your grandparents and teachers, right up through all the different levels of our government.
“Wow, that’s a lot of bosses! It must be hard work to be in charge.”
“It is!” said Dad. “That’s why the Bible tells us to pray for those in charge and respect their authority over us—even when we don’t agree with them. We need to pray regularly that God would guide them to make wise decisions and govern us well. Then we can feel His peace.”
“Because we know He’s the one who’s really in charge,” said Gavin. He looked at his dad and smiled. “I’m going to start praying for everyone in authority over me—including you!”
Dad gave Gavin a hug. “I’d appreciate that.” – Kelly Hollman
How about you?
Do you ever see scary things on the news? Or overhear adults saying angry things that are hard to understand? When things seem scary, remember that God is in charge. Everyone in authority—from your parents to your government leaders—is there because God placed them there. So respect and pray for those in authority over you, knowing that God is the ultimate authority working everything according to His plan.
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