Daily Devotional for February 9, 2021
Who Sees?

Jace looked up as his mom walked in with two bags of groceries. “Hi, honey,” she said. “Will you go get the other bags of groceries from the car? And please pick up the other stuff I spilled too. When I grabbed my purse, it was upside down, and some things fell out.”
“Okay, Mom.” Jace hurried out to the garage. He took the bags of groceries into the house and then went back to get the things that had spilled from Mom’s purse. Along with several other items, he found four five-dollar bills. Jace looked at them thoughtfully. Then he put one of the bills in his pocket.
“Here’s your stuff, Mom,” Jace said when he returned to the house. He handed her the three bills along with all the other items.
“Thanks, Jace,” said Mom. “Now I’d like you to take the flyswatter and get rid of these flies.” She frowned. “Where are they coming from?”
Jace got the swatter. “Gotcha!” he exclaimed after a moment. Then he saw a fly sunning itself on a window sill. “Mom, come see this fly. It looks like it’s cleaning its face—just like our cat does.”
“It does look that way,” agreed Mom. “I saw a nature show about flies the other day. It was pretty interesting. Did you know that flies’ legs have brushes that they use to clean their eyes?”
“Ew!” Jace made a face.
“They have really interesting eyes too,” Mom continued. “They’re amazing! It said flies have about four thousand simple eyes in each large eye.”
“Wow!” said Jace. “That’s weird.”
Mom nodded. “When I heard that, it made me think of a verse from one of the Psalms that says, ‘He who formed the eye, shall He not see?’ God created flies’ amazing eyes, and He created us too. He sees everything we do—we can’t hide our sin from Him. That’s why we need to be honest about it. He already knows what we’ve done, and He will forgive us.”
Jace put his hand into his pocket and felt the five-dollar bill he had kept. God sees this too, he thought. He slowly pulled it out.
“Um, Mom? I…I was going to keep this, but…here it is, and…well, I’m sorry.” • Vera Hutchcroft
How about you?
Have you ever done something wrong when no one was around? Were you relieved when you didn’t get caught? Even if no one else saw what you did, God knows—you can’t hide anything from Him. He loves you and wants you to confess your sin and be forgiven. If you’ve done something wrong, tell Jesus and ask Him to forgive you. Then do what is right—even when no one else is watching.
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