Daily Devotional for December 25, 2017
White Christmas

“It’s still snowing, Grandpa,” said Evan. “We’ll have a white Christmas for sure!” Evan had not seen much snow when he lived in the valley, but now he was staying with his grandpa in the mountains.
Grandpa nodded. “It makes the whole world look so clean, doesn’t it?” he said. “It reminds me of one of my favorite Bible verses. Isaiah 1:18 says our sins can be made as white as snow. That happens when we trust Jesus as our Savior from sin.”
Evan nodded, even though he wasn’t really sure what that meant. “I like the snow,” he said. “Can I go sledding for a while?”
“Sure,” said Grandpa, so Evan bundled up and went out.
That evening, Evan enjoyed a mug of hot chocolate while Grandpa read the Christmas story from the Bible. When Grandpa finished, Evan turned to him. “Grandpa, I was thinking about that verse you like—the one about snow. Didn’t you say my dad trusts Jesus as his Savior?” Grandpa nodded. “So does that mean his sins are as white as snow now?” Evan asked.
“It sure does,” Grandpa assured him.
“Then why is Dad still in jail?” asked Evan.
“Well, Evan, for many years, your father didn’t want to have anything to do with Jesus,” Grandpa explained. “Just like all of us, he sinned, and he started doing some very bad things and couldn’t stop on his own. He broke the law, so now he has to face the consequences for what he did—even though He decided to trust in Jesus while he was in jail and asked Him to forgive him for all the bad things he did. Jesus washed all his sin away and made his heart clean, and your dad is a new person and will spend eternity with God. Even though there are still consequences for the wrong things he did here on earth, God won’t hold those things against him. In God’s eyes, he’s as white as snow.”
Evan thought about that. “I want to be as white as snow in God’s eyes too,” he said.
“You can be,” said Grandpa. “Trust Jesus to forgive your sins and make you clean. Then you can have a white Christmas—inside and out.” – Esther M. Bailey
How about you?
Did you know that you can have a white Christmas anywhere in the world? Even if you don’t get snow where you live, you can have a white Christmas on the inside by asking Jesus to wash away all the wrong you’ve ever done. He died to take the punishment for your sin, and when you trust in Him, He will make your heart as white as snow. Trust Him today! (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page.)
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