Daily Devotional for December 14, 2018
Where’s the Birthday Boy?

“I love Christmas!” Aaliyah told her friend Piper. “Did you see that huge tree in the mall? It went all the way up to the ceiling! And I love the lights everywhere, and parties—and presents! I think I’m getting that new video game I told you about.”
“My grandma’s giving me a tablet,” said Piper, “and I want a scooter. I think Christmas is the best time of the whole year! I hope I get lots of stuff.”
Mom glanced up from the book she was reading. “Sounds like you two are forgetting what Christmas is really about.”
Aaliyah tugged at Piper’s sleeve. “Come on. Let’s go to my room and play with my dollhouse.”
The next afternoon, Aaliyah and her mother went to a birthday party for Aaliyah’s three-year-old cousin, Joey. When they got there, most of her cousins were playing in the rec room—but there was no sign of Joey.
“Where’s the birthday boy?” asked Aaliyah, who was very fond of her little cousin. “I want him to see the present I brought for him. I wrapped it myself!”
Aunt Gabby laughed. “He’s fast asleep in his room. He was so excited about the party that he wore himself out. I’ll get him up pretty soon.”
Aaliyah frowned as excited squeals drifted in from the rec room. “I don’t think it’s right for everybody to have fun without Joey,” she told her mother after Aunt Gabby left the room. “It’s his birthday party, and no one’s even thinking about him!”
“Hmm. Well, before you get too upset at the kids here, let me ask you something,” said Mom. “Remember your conversation with Piper yesterday?”
“You mean about Christmas presents and stuff?”
“Yes. You girls talked about all the fun you’d be having this Christmas, but you didn’t say a word about Jesus, even though it’s His birthday we’re celebrating. Christmas is when we remember how He came into the world as a baby so He could die for our sin.”
Aaliyah sighed. “You’re right. I was using Christmas to celebrate all the things I wanted instead of Jesus.” She smiled at her mom. “Let’s ask Aunt Gabby to get Joey up now. We can’t let this party go on without the birthday boy!” – Tanya Ferdinandusz
How about you?
Do you enjoy celebrating Christmas? Do you get excited about the parties, gifts, decorations, and other fun things of the season? That’s great, but remember that Jesus is the reason you’re celebrating. Christmas is a special time when we remember how He was born into the world as our Savior. As you do fun things this Christmas season, remember it’s His birthday you’re celebrating.
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