Daily Devotional for June 29, 2020
When You Pray
“Levi?” Mom stood at the door. “Levi!” she said again, but he didn’t look up from his computer until she walked over and turned the music down.
“Oh, hi, Mom,” said Levi. “I didn’t hear you come in.”
Mom nodded. “I just noticed Mrs. Grady struggling out there with her lawn mower. Maybe you could help her with it.”
“Right now? I’m trying to think of how to earn my last club badge.” Levi pointed to his laptop. “It says here it has to be some kind of service to someone in need.”
As Levi scrolled around the screen, his younger brother raced into the room. “Levi, my bike is broken. Can you help me fix it?”
“Later, Nash” said Levi. “I have a project I need to work on right now.” Nash sighed and left the room. “This is the hardest badge of all to earn,” Levi said. “I don’t know any needy people—someone who’s sick or poor or anything like that.”
Mom smiled. “You know, I think you need to turn down more than just the music if you want earn this badge.”
Levi frowned. “What do you mean?”
“You don’t hear the calls for help because…” Mom reached out and took the computer from his lap, “this is making as much noise as that music.” She put the computer on the desk. “Have you asked God for ideas?”
“Yeah, I have,” Levi answered. “I asked Jesus to show me who I could help—not only because I need to earn my badge, but because I know He loves people and wants me to help them.”
“Okay,” said Mom. “Now come look here.” She led Levi to the window. He could see Mrs. Grady struggling with the lawn mower, and
Nash was hunched over his bicycle. “It’s great you asked for God’s help, but you have to turn down the noise and pay attention if you want to hear His answer,” Mom said. “I think I see two answers to your prayers. What do you think?”
“I think…” Levi began slowly. “I think I see two people who need my help—two needy people. And I have a badge to earn.” Levi grinned and reached for his tennis shoes. HEATHER M. TEKAVEC
How about you?
Do you look and listen for God’s answers when you pray? Or do you only look for the answer you want? God may not answer your prayer in the way you have in mind. He may want you to deal with the situation in a way you’re not expecting. Pay attention to how He leads you, and be open to whatever answer He gives you.
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