Daily Devotional for January 25, 2019
When I Am Afraid

Jane jumped when she heard her classroom’s intercom crackle and Principal Long’s voice boom, “Lockdown drill!”
Jane’s brain was buzzing, and she couldn’t remember what to do. Do I turn my chair upside down first, or do I kneel on the floor first? Why is it so quiet in here? Oh no, it’s dark. What if I have to cough? Jane sat frozen at her desk, her heart pounding, as her classmates climbed under their desks and flipped their chairs over to block them in. She knew she should move, but she couldn’t. She could feel her heart practically beating right out of her chest. Thump. Thump. Thump. Everyone can probably hear it! she thought.
Mrs. Boiler calmly said from across the room, “Jane, climb under your desk. It’s okay.”
Jane took a deep breath and climbed under desk, flipping her chair over as she got to her knees.
Right there, underneath her desk, was the Bible verse her stepmom had written on a sticky note: Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you…Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. She had told Jane to tape it under her desk, knowing any upcoming lockdown drills might be scary.
Jane closed her eyes, and her heart stopped beating so loudly. She silently prayed, Jesus, I’m so afraid. Please give me peace and the strength I need to get through this. I know my life is in Your hands and You are always with me. Amen.
When the drill was over, Jane felt a lot better. And the next time the intercom buzzed with the words, “Lockdown drill,” Jane calmly knelt on the floor, flipped her chair over, and read the words on the bottom of her desk. – Jaime Pirus
How about you?
What makes you scared? Are you afraid of getting hurt or losing someone you love? When we tell Jesus that we’re afraid, He reminds us that He’s with us and gives us peace. Even when something bad happens, He is in control and gives us the strength we need to face it. Trust Him to be with you and help you in every situation.
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