Daily Devotional for July 13, 2017

What’s Running through Your Head?

Keys for Kids - daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Keys for Kids – daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
What’s Running through Your Head?

Today's Verse

2 Timothy 3:14-17 in KJV, NKJV, NIV, ERV

Bible version changes do not affect the Key audio or "Today's Key Verse," below.

“Turn on the radio, Dad,” Melissa called from the back of the minivan. “We’ve been driving forever.”

“Yeah,” said Robert. “It’s boring back here.”

Dad glanced at the twins in the rearview mirror. “Sorry, guys,” he said. “I hate to ruin your fun, but I don’t like your music.”

Robert snorted. “What fun? We’re on a three-hour car trip in the middle of nowhere!”

“Hey, Robert,” whispered Melissa. “We can be our own radio.” Robert nodded, and Melissa launched into the latest hit. “Hey, you, standing under the lights; come on, we can dance all night…”

Robert joined in the chorus. “Ooooh, it’s a party…”

“No, thanks,” said Dad.

“Okay, how about this?” said Melissa. “Money, honey, it’s the thing…”

“Fancy cars and diamond rings,” sang Robert.

“Do you two have all the popular songs memorized?” asked Dad.

“Yeah,” said Melissa. “They run through my head practically all day long.”

Dad looked back at the twins. “That reminds me of something I read in the Bible this morning. The apostle Paul tells Timothy how important it is for children to study and memorize the Word of God so you understand all that Jesus has done for you and deepen your faith in Him.”

“We study the Bible in church and during family devotions,” said Robert.

Dad grinned. “Okay, smarty-pants, how about a quiz? Finish this verse: ‘Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and…’”

Melissa shot a look at Robert, and Robert shrugged.

“Try this one,” said Dad. “‘God is our refuge and strength, a…’”

Robert grimaced. “It looks like we’ve got some work to do.”

“Memorizing verses is a great way to keep God’s Word in our thoughts and help us remember who we are in Jesus,” said Dad.

“Yeah,” said Melissa. “And it’d give me a break from all those pop songs!”

Dad smiled. “And I know just the verse to start with. ‘Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.’”

Melissa and Robert laughed. “Dad!” – Jennifer Dillard

How about you?

Have you ever memorized the lyrics to your favorite song? How about a Bible verse? A memorized Bible verse can remind you that Jesus loves you and is always there to help you. Try memorizing an inspiring Bible verse. When you recall it at school, in the car, or during soccer practice, notice how that reminder of Christ’s love improves your whole day.

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