Daily Devotional for January 13, 2018
What’s in a Name?

Alexis rushed into the house. “Mom! Bree’s mom and new baby sister are home now!” she exclaimed. “She’s so cute, and her name is Arabella. I love that name! How do people decide what to name their babies?”
“Well,” said Mom, “some are named after a family member or a person the parents admire. And sometimes parents choose a name for its meaning.”
Alexis was surprised. “Names have meanings?”
“Some do,” said Mom. “For instance, Alexis means ‘helper’ or ‘defender.’ I can show you a website that tells the meanings of lots of names if you want.”
“Oh, yes, please!” said Alexis. So she and Mom looked up several names together. Bree meant “strength,” and Arabella meant “yielding to prayer.” They even looked up Dad’s name—Matthew—which meant “gift of God.”
“Did you know the Bible says it’s better to choose a good name than to choose great riches?” Mom asked as they got up from the computer.
“But we don’t choose our own names,” said Alexis. “Parents give them to us.”
“You’re right,” said Mom. “You couldn’t choose the name Dad and I gave you—you received it when we were born into our family. But there’s another name that you did choose to receive.”
“There is?” asked Alexis. “What’s that?”
“When you decided to trust Jesus Christ as your Savior, you became part of His family and received His name—Christian, which means little Christ. That name means He’s made you a new person and that you have His righteousness, or goodness. Your new name means you belong to Him.”
Alexis smiled. “That’s really cool! I didn’t realize Jesus gave me a new name when I became a Christian.”
Mom nodded. “God even literally renamed some people in the Bible when He called them to follow Him. Abram became Abraham, Sarai became Sarah, Saul became Paul, and Simon became Peter. Their new names were a sign to others that God had made them new people and was using them to do His will.” Mom smiled at Alexis. “And He’s does the same with us as Christians, shaping us be like Him so we can point others toward His good name.” – Agnes Livezey
How about you?
What does your name mean? Your parents most likely chose a name for you that fit who they hoped you would be someday. But if you trust in Jesus, He’s given you a new name that fits who you are now—a part of God’s family! The name Christian means that Jesus has saved you and made you a new person. He’s using your life to show others who He is so they can have a new name too!
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