Daily Devotional for January 14, 2023
What to Wear

Willow waved goodbye to Sydney’s family, then ran into the house. “Hi, honey,” Mom said. “Did you enjoy Sydney’s church today?”
“Yeah, but I kind of felt out of place,” Willow said. “I was too dressed up. Nobody dresses up at Sydney’s church. She says it makes visitors feel uncomfortable.” Willow shook her head. “I don’t get it. You and Dad want me to dress up to show respect for God when we go to church to worship Him. But I get what Sydney said too. Who’s right?”
“That’s not an easy question,” replied Mom. “The Bible doesn’t tell us exactly what to wear to church, but it does give us some guidelines.”
Willow thought for a moment. “Somewhere it says to dress modestly.”
“Yes,” said Mom. “That means church shouldn’t be a fashion show to attract attention to ourselves or to our clothes. We should try not to offend others who may have different opinions about what’s appropriate to wear.”
“Some people were offended when Ryan wore a T-shirt,” said Willow.
“Well, it was what was on the T-shirt that was the problem. The picture and words on his shirt indicated a disrespectful attitude,” Mom explained. “But do you know Mr. Hales? He often brings visitors from the homeless shelter. He dresses casually, so they won’t feel out of place. Nobody’s offended by that.”
“No, I guess not,” said Willow.
“There will always be differences in clothing preferences,” Mom said. “But the important thing is to honor God in the way we dress. He looks at our hearts, not just our outward appearance, and He wants us to consider others when we choose what to wear. Our clothes should convey the love He has put in our hearts because we trust in Jesus.”
Willow sighed. “So what is the right way to dress?”
“As long as you follow the standards given in the Bible of love, respect, and modesty, I don’t think there is a right or wrong way,” Mom replied.
“So can I wear jeans to church next week?” asked Willow eagerly.
Mom thought about it. “All right,” she said. “But only if you invite Sydney to come to church with us. We wouldn’t want her to feel out of place, now, would we?”
-Heather Tekavec
How about you?
How do you dress for church—or anywhere? It’s easy to put on clothes to impress people, but God says your clothes should reflect your heart. Before getting dressed, think about why you want to wear the clothes you do. Is it to get attention or make yourself feel more important than other people? If so, you may need to pick out a different outfit. Let your clothing choices show love and respect for God and others.
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