Daily Devotional for December 25, 2020
What Christmas Is All About

Anthony flicked off the radio. He couldn’t stand to hear one more Christmas song. Ever since his dad walked out on him and his mom on Christmas Eve two years ago, Anthony dreaded the holiday season. He sighed and flopped onto the couch as Mom walked into the room.
“Hey, Anthony. Uncle Sam just called. Aunt Tricia had the baby this morning! I’m going down to the hospital to see how everyone is doing. Want to join me?”
“I guess,” Anthony answered, “as long as I don’t have to listen to any Christmas carols on the way.”
When they got to St. Thomas Hospital, they took the elevator to the newborn unit on the third floor. Everyone looked so happy. Great, Anthony thought, more cheery people.
When they reached the room, Anthony walked over to a clear-sided bassinet and peered in. There lay his new cousin, all wrapped in blankets.
“Anthony, meet Caleb,” said Aunt Tricia. “Would you like to hold him?”
“Um…sure,” said Anthony, a little hesitant. Mom had him sit in a chair and told him how to hold his arms to support the baby’s head. She then gently laid Caleb in his arms. He looked down at the baby. He seemed so helpless all wrapped up like that.
Anthony glanced across the room and noticed a painting of the Virgin Mary on the wall. She was cradling a wide-eyed, newborn Jesus. The title under the painting read: A Gift for You. Anthony turned his gaze to Caleb and was startled to see similar dark blue eyes looking back at him. “Wow,” said Anthony softly.
“What is it?” asked Mom.
“I never really thought about how helpless Jesus was as a baby. He sure had to give up a lot to come to earth, didn’t He?”
Mom nodded and wrapped an arm around him. “I know Christmas is hard for you because of what happened with your dad. But that’s exactly why Jesus came to earth as a baby—so He could die for our sins and give us hope. Because of Him, we know that even though things go wrong, one day He’ll come again and make everything right. Christmas doesn’t have to be about what happened to you—it can be about what happened for you. Jesus gave it all up for you.” • Laura Kuehn
How about you?
Does the Christmas season stir up bad memories for you? You are not alone. Holidays can be hard when you’ve lost a loved one. But this year, instead of focusing on what you don’t have, focus on what you do have—Jesus. He gave up all of the glory in heaven to come to earth as a baby and die to save you from your sins. He’ll always be there to help you, and one day He’ll make everything right.
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