Daily Devotional for February 21, 2021
Watch Out!

Eden almost bumped into her mother when Mom stopped short as they walked on the bike path near their home. Eden started to say something, but she noticed the shushing finger her mother held to her lips. Mom pointed to the side of the trail a little ahead of them. A small animal was standing in the tall grass. At first Eden thought it was a cat, but then she saw the white stripe.
Eden gasped softly in surprise. They both stood still until the skunk disappeared into the weeds along the bike path. Then they started walking again, but they still didn’t talk for a few minutes.
When Eden was sure the skunk was far behind them, she let out a relieved giggle. “Wow! That was a close one!”
Mom smiled in agreement. “Sorry I stopped short in front of you, but I didn’t want to get any closer to that smelly little critter!”
“That’s okay,” said Eden. “I sure wouldn’t want to get sprayed by that skunk!”
As they walked along, Eden could tell Mom was thinking hard. Mom’s going to come up with a lesson we can learn from what happened, Eden thought. She smiled when Mom looked over and said, “You know, that skunk reminds me of something.”
“I thought it might.” Eden grinned. “You’ve thought of a Bible lesson, haven’t you?”
“For both of us,” Mom replied. “I was just thinking that we could compare that skunk to sin, or perhaps to temptation. Sometimes when we face a temptation or see a sinful situation in front of us, we just keep heading right for it.”
“I know what you mean,” said Eden. “Sometimes when I hang out with friends, somebody suggests we should do something bad—like disobey or lie or cheat. I have to admit there have been times when I went along with those kinds of things. From now on, I’ll try to remember that skunk and turn away from places or situations where I’d be tempted to do wrong.”
“Good,” said Mom. “I will too. Even though Jesus will always forgive our sin and wash us clean, it’s best to avoid smelly situations altogether!” • Robyn Mulder
How about you?
Are you careful to stay away from sin? The Bible says that a prudent or sensible person sees danger in a situation and avoids it, but a foolish person keeps going and gets into trouble. Which kind of person are you? Be wise. Avoid situations where you’ll be tempted to do something wrong. Whenever you are tempted, stop and remember that you belong to Jesus. Then do what’s right!
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