Daily Devotional for August 10, 2017

Warning Strips

Keys for Kids - daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Keys for Kids – daily devotions and Bible stories for kids
Warning Strips

Today's Verse

Psalm 19:7-11 in KJV, NKJV, NIV, ERV

Bible version changes do not affect the Key audio or "Today's Key Verse," below.

Maria, who had been leaning against the back seat of the car, bolted upright. “What was that loud noise?” she asked, peering out the window.

“It’s okay,” said Dad. “I just strayed onto the shoulder of the road.”

“But what was that noise?” Maria asked again.

“There are little bumps on the shoulder of the road to warn drivers that they’re getting too close to the edge,” explained Dad. “Driving over the bumps made the sound you heard. It’s okay now.”

Maria leaned back again. “Well, it scared me,” she said.

Dad grinned. “It got my attention too,” he replied. “It reminded me that I’d better drive a bit more carefully.” He shifted in his seat and adjusted the rearview mirror. “It’s a good thing those warning strips are there though, isn’t it? If they weren’t, we might have ended up in the ditch.” Maria met her father’s eyes in the mirror and nodded.

“It may seem strange,” added Dad, “but this reminds me that God has ways of warning us when we begin to stray away from Him.”

Maria gave Dad puzzled look. “You mean like the bumps on the road?”

Dad nodded. “For example,” he said, “God has given each of us a conscience so that when we do something wrong, we feel bad about it. It’s like a warning telling us to confess and turn from our sin so we can have a closer relationship with Jesus and live the way He wants us to.”

“My teacher at church says God gives us His Holy Spirit to teach us too,” said Maria.

Dad smiled. “That’s right. And as you just reminded me, God also puts people in our lives who help us learn His truths—teachers and pastors and—”

“Parents!” said Maria.

“Yes,” said Dad. “God uses many different ways to keep us from straying off the right path.”

Maria nodded. “It’s kind of like He puts down warning strips for us.”

“Right,” said Dad, “so let’s be sure to pay attention to them!”

– Richard S. Maffeo

How about you?

Have you crossed any warning strips from God recently? Has your conscience bothered you because of something you’ve done? Have you gotten a warning from a parent, teacher, or even the Holy Spirit that you’re slipping off the right path? Jesus loves you and doesn’t want you to be hurt by not living in a close relationship with Him. Pay attention to the warnings and turn back to the path He wants you to follow.

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