Daily Devotional for September 4, 2019
Warning Signals

“Are we almost there?” Ellie asked as the family drove out into the country to visit Mom’s parents.
“No!” replied her brother, Dakota. “Like Grandpa always says, they live way out in the boonies. It’s a long way.”
As they drove along, a red light appeared on the dash. “Oh no!” Dad said. “The temperature light is on, and we’re miles from anywhere!”
“A temperature light?” asked Dakota. “Can’t you just turn it off? The car seems to be running okay.”
“This light doesn’t operate on a switch,” said Dad. “It’s a signal the car needs something—probably water.” He pulled to the side of the road.
“Aw, Dad, I want to get to Grandma and Grandpa’s,” said Ellie. “Won’t it go that far?”
“I don’t know,” said Dad, “but I’m not going to take a chance on it. I need to find out what’s wrong and get it fixed.” He got out and opened the hood.
“Water is what it needs all right,” Dad said a minute later. “There’s a container of water in the trunk that should get us back to town, but I’m afraid we can’t drive out to Grandma and Grandpa’s today.”
The next day at church, Dakota listened attentively when the pastor told a funny story about something that had happened to him, but Mom noticed him squirming uncomfortably when the pastor talked about everyone’s need for Jesus at the end of the story. When she asked him about it that afternoon, he shrugged, grabbed his baseball glove, and headed for the door.
“Don’t ignore warning lights, Dakota,” Mom said.
Dakota frowned. “I don’t have a warning light,” he said. “I’m not a car.”
“No,” Mom said, “but when it bothers you to hear that you’re a sinner in need of Jesus, that’s like a warning light going on in your mind. Dad didn’t know how long the car would keep running if he ignored the warning, but he didn’t take a chance on the engine being ruined. You don’t know how much time you have either. Don’t ignore the warning. Trust Jesus to save you from sin now.”
Slowly, Dakota nodded. He put down his glove and sat at the table, and he and Mom bowed their heads to pray. Phyllis M. Robinson
How about you?
How do you feel when you hear that you need Jesus to save you from your sin? Does it make you uncomfortable? Is it as though a red light goes on in your mind, telling you that this is something you really need? Don’t ignore the warning. You do need Jesus. Trust Him as your Savior today so you can be forgiven. (To learn more, click the “Good News!” button in the right column of this page.)
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