Daily Devotional for March 13, 2019
Wandering Sheep

Kai was having a great time with his aunt and uncle on their sheep ranch out West. “I love it out here,” he told Uncle Jim as they rode horses through the hills several miles from the ranch house.
“Good,” said Uncle Jim, but he frowned when they spied something white in the grass a little way off the trail. Uncle Jim got off his horse to see what it was. “It’s a dead lamb,” he said, shaking his head sadly. “A mountain lion must have gotten it.”
“That’s awful!” said Kai. “How could that happen? You’ve had two men with the sheep all the time, and Shep is such a good watchdog. He’d never let a mountain lion near the flock.”
“Yes, that’s true,” said Uncle Jim. “A lion wouldn’t be likely to go near the sheep with men and dogs around. But this little lamb must have wandered away from the others. Once he left the safety and protection of the flock, he was no match for the lion. The ranch hands told me they’d seen tracks lately and took extra precautions, but every now and then, a lamb or sheep still manages to wander away.”
When they returned to the ranch house, Kai told his aunt about the lamb they had found. She shook her head. “Well, at least it will help us remember to be careful not to let something like that happen to us.”
“To us!” exclaimed Kai. “Will mountain lions come after us?”
“I think your aunt is talking about a different kind of lion,” Uncle Jim said. “The Bible says Christians are like sheep, and Jesus is our Shepherd. Satan is referred to as a lion, and he’s a dangerous one!”
Aunt Julia nodded. “Sheep need to stay together—not wander off alone where they’re easy prey for the enemy. And Christians need to stick together too. If we don’t, we often become easy prey for the devil, who wants to fill us with fear and doubt and keep us from sharing God’s love with others.”
“That’s one reason why we go to church all the time, isn’t it?” Kai said.
“Yes,” said Uncle Jim. “It’s a place where we get encouragement and help from other Christians and remind one another that we belong to Jesus.” – Sherry L. Kuyt
How about you?
Are you aware that Satan will do all he can to keep you from living the life Jesus wants for you? He wants you to live in fear and doubt instead of God’s peace and love. That’s why it’s important to stay close to other believers who can pray for you, encourage you, and remind you that Jesus is your Shepherd. Stay with the flock and don’t be a sheep that wanders away.
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