Daily Devotional for November 13, 2021
Use the Light

Jeremy and his cousin Eric stretched out beside the campfire. “I don’t usually like fish, but the ones we caught today were good!” Jeremy declared.
Uncle Bob nodded. “Fish always taste best when you catch them yourself.” He took his phone from his pocket. “Now let’s have some spiritual food before we turn in. At home, Eric and his mom and I always read a few Bible verses together after dinner.”
“We don’t do that at my house,” said Jeremy. “My dad says those who read the Bible are weak people who can’t think for themselves.” He looked at his uncle apologetically. “But I know you’re not weak.”
“Well, I definitely read the Bible,” Uncle Bob replied. “God’s Word is a very important part of my life. Listen to how it’s described in Psalm 119—it’s called a light to show us the way to go.” The boys listened while Uncle Bob read several verses from his phone.
When Uncle Bob finished, Jeremy slapped at a mosquito. “Where’s the bug spray?” he asked.
“I’m afraid I left it in the car,” said Uncle Bob.
“We’ll get it, Dad,” said Eric. “Come on, Jeremy. Maybe we’ll see a bear!”
Just a little way into the woods, Jeremy stumbled over a log, and down he went. He stood up and saw that Eric had bumped into an overhanging branch. “Wow! It’s dark in these woods. Let’s get a flashlight,” said Eric, and they turned back.
“I bet you came back for this,” Uncle Bob said when he saw them. He started to hand his flashlight to Jeremy. Then he drew it back. “Hey, wait a minute—are you sure these aren’t just for weak people who can’t see in the dark?”
“What do you mean?” asked Jeremy. “Nobody can see in the dark.”
“True,” said Uncle Bob. “Not in the woods, and not in life.”
Jeremy grinned. “Oh, I get it. You’re saying we need the Bible to give us light in our lives.”
Uncle Bob nodded. “The Bible shines with the light of Jesus so we can see His love for us and how much we need Him, and it lights our way as we follow and obey Him throughout our lives.”
“Okay, you’ve convinced me—reading the Bible is important,” Jeremy said. “Now can we please have that flashlight?”
-Barbara J. Westberg
How about you?
Wouldn’t it be foolish to stumble around in the dark when a light is available? There is a light that can help you see the right path to take through life. It’s the light of God’s Word, the Bible. It shows us who God is and what Jesus did to save us, and it guides us as we walk through life with Him. Do you read it regularly? Use the light that is available to you.
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