Daily Devotional for August 24, 2017
Use the Entrance

Tyler lay flat on his back in the cool green grass, watching the fluffy clouds floating across the sky above him. When he glanced over at the tall trellis covered with Grandma’s rambling roses, he noticed it almost reached the open window of his bedroom. Tyler scrambled to his feet and darted toward the house. I bet I can climb up to my room, he thought. He put his foot on a low trellis slat, pushed away a few roses, and began to climb. He stretched his arms, caught the window sill, and swung himself up. But before he could crawl into the room, his foot slipped. He screamed, and the big pink roses zipped by as he fell to the ground.
“Tyler, can you open your eyes?” asked a faraway voice. “Can you hear me?”
Tyler blinked and slowly sat up. “What happened?” he asked.
“You had a bad fall,” said Grandpa. “We need to take you to the emergency room to make sure you don’t have a concussion.”
After returning from the hospital with a clean bill of health, Tyler felt embarrassed about what he had done. “I wanted to climb through the window to get into my room,” he said. “I thought it would be more fun than just going in through the door, but it wasn’t fun at all! I won’t try that again!”
After dinner, Grandpa read from the book of John. “Your experience today reminded me of these verses,” he said. “They say Jesus is the door to heaven. I’ve known people who think they can get to heaven by going to church, helping neighbors, giving money to charity, keeping free of drugs, taking care of animals—doing all sorts of good things. But just like you couldn’t get into your bedroom by climbing the rose trellis and going through the window, people can’t get into heaven by doing good things.”
“Right,” said Grandma. “We can only get into heaven through Jesus. He is the door.”
Tyler nodded. “I didn’t use the door when I tried to get into my room today, and that was a disaster. I’m glad I’m going through the door to heaven by trusting in Jesus!”
– Lois A. Teufel
How about you?
Did you know that Jesus is the only door—the only way—to heaven? Or are you trying to get there some other way? There is nothing you can do to work your way to heaven. You must simply come through the door. Jesus loves you so much He died to save you from sin so you could spend eternity with Him. Trust in Him as your Savior today. (See “The ABCs of Salvation on the right column of this page.)
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