Daily Devotional for February 19, 2023
Unfailing Love

“Please don’t tell Dad,” Ethan begged his sister, stuffing his science test into his backpack. “I didn’t expect to get a high grade, but I sure didn’t think it would be this bad. I did my best. Promise you won’t tell.”
“I won’t,” said Mira. “But Mom and Dad will find out anyway.”
When they got home, Ethan retreated to his room and stayed there until his mom called him to dinner. “I got an email from your science teacher,” Mom said when Ethan came to the table. “He realized he put the wrong grade on your test—you actually improved quite a bit from last time.”
Ethan jumped out of his chair and pulled out his test. “I knew it! I knew I must have done better than this!”
Dad reached for the test and looked it over. “Well, I’m glad this isn’t the correct grade, but why didn’t you show this to us earlier?”
“I was trying to do better, but this test said I did worse, so I thought you’d be mad at me for getting such a low grade.”
“Oh, Ethan, we would have been concerned, but not angry,” said Mom. “We know how hard you’ve been working, and we’re proud of you.”
“Grades are a measure of the progress you’re making,” said Dad, “but they’re not a measure of our love. You’re our son, and we’ll always love you.”
Mira grinned at her brother. “My Sunday school teacher says God is like that too. He loves us even when we fail.”
“That’s right,” said Mom. “If God sent out report cards, how high do you think our grades would be?”
“Um, I don’t know. Probably not very high,” said Ethan.
“Not high at all,” Dad agreed. “Everyone would fall short. That’s why Jesus died for our sins—so He could give us His perfect grade in place of our failing one! That’s how much He loves us. Our love for you isn’t based on how well you do in school, Ethan, and God’s love for us isn’t based on how well we do in life.”
“Right,” said Mom. “Actually, the times we fail are often the times that help us recognize our need for Jesus—the times we feel His love the most.”
-Gail L. Jenner
How about you?
Are you afraid God won’t love you as much if you fail at something? He loves you so much Jesus died for you when you were still trapped in sin, and He’ll never love you any less, no matter what. If you’ve trusted Jesus as your Savior, He will help you live the way He wants you to live, but that doesn’t mean you’ll be perfect. When you need forgiveness, ask Him for it, remembering that you’re His child and He loves you very much!
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